Data Load Queue - View Excel Error Report

Click the Excel icon to open an Excel file that details each of the errors associated with the data load. Once errors are corrected, you can load the records on the Errors Only tab or the entire file again from the All Records worksheet (tab). The Excel Error Report expires 30 days from the data load. This file has four available tabs:

  • Errors Only - This tab displays a detailed description of each error within the loaded file. Each row represents a separate error. Along the top row, the file headers that were detected in the loaded file are listed, and the final column provides a detailed description of the error. Errors are listed with both the file header and the system field name for easy reference. Note: If there are more than 10,000 error records, this tab is not included.
  • All Records - This tab displays each record that was in the loaded file along with the records that contain errors. The field headers are also provided along the top row. The rows are displayed in the order provided in the data load. A new Error descriptions column can be found on the far right. You can sort by this column to determine the records with errors. Errors are listed with both the file header and the system field name for easy reference.

Note: Once you have fixed the errors from either the Errors Only tab or the All Records tab, you can load that worksheet (tab) from the file once more.

  • Matched Fields - For this tab, the first column (System Fields) displays a list of the system fields that are available in the system for the selected data type. The second column (Matched Fields from File) displays the header from the loaded file that was matched to that system field. For example, if you matched the User Division ID header from the loaded file to the Division ID system field, these two fields would appear next to each other. If the Matched Fields from File column does not contain a value, this indicates that you did not match anything to the corresponding system field. Each required field must have a matched field, but all other fields are optional. Note: Only matched fields are loaded.
  • Helpful Hints - This tab provides helpful hints for resolving your data load errors based on field name. This helps you to identify the cause of the error and determine how the error can be resolved. The following helpful information is displayed for each system field:
    • Field Name - This displays the field name within the system.
    • Required - This displays whether or not the field is required for each record. If this value is empty, this indicates that the field is optional. If it is required, this value displays additional information as to its requirements.
    • Data Type - This displays the type of data that should be provided for the field. In some instances only certain specific values are accepted. If this is the case, the acceptable values are listed in the Acceptable Values column. Also, if data for a field should be provided in a specific format, this format is listed in the Acceptable Values column.
    • Max Length - This displays the maximum number of characters that the data field accepts.
    • Acceptable Values - This displays important information regarding the field format. This may contain a specific list of acceptable values, a specific range of acceptable values, a list of acceptable formats for the data, or even point you to another resource for more detailed information.

To switch between the tabs, at the bottom of the Excel worksheet you can select the necessary tab.