Capability Feedback Templates - Edit - General Settings - Endorsement Template

The Endorsement template includes a limited set of configuration choices, including the ability to configure menu action name, localization, and feature connectors where endorsements can be initiated.

To manage capabilities feedback templates, go to Admin > Tools > Core Functions > Capabilities > Feedback Templates.


For Endorsement templates, the following settings are available on the General Settings page:

  • Menu Action Name - This field controls the menu text that appears to users. For example, when viewing another user's Skills Profile, this field determines the name of the "Give Endorsement" option in the user's Current Skills section menu. This field is only available when editing the Endorsement feedback template. The character limit for this field is 250. If multiple languages are enabled for your portal, select the Translate icon to translate the field into other available languages.
  • Rater Relation - For the Endorsement template, this is set to Anyone (excluding self), and it cannot be edited. This means that anyone except the target user can provide endorsements. Users cannot endorse themselves.
  • Dimensions - For the Endorsement template, this is set to Endorsement, and it cannot be edited. This ensures that the Endorsement template is only used for endorsements.
  • Default Visibility - For the Endorsement template, this is set to Rater and Everyone, and it cannot be edited. This means that all endorsements will be visible to all users.