Network Player - Errors and Suggested Actions

The following errors may arise when using the network player. Suggested actions are provided for each potential error.

Error Description Solution
Error arises while downloading or unpacking a course. The user must close the network player and restart the download process from the online system. There is no need to manually delete any files from the download locations because nothing has been copied.
Error arises while downloading a course to a specific location. If this was the first location to which the course was being downloaded, the user must close the network player and restart the download process from the online system. If the user wishes to do so, they may delete any files that were copied to the location. However, any clone files that were copied will be overwritten the next time the course is downloaded to that location.
If this was not the first location to which the course was being downloaded, the user must close the network player and restart the download process. When selecting the download locations, select only the locations to which the course was not successfully downloaded. If the user wishes to do so, they may delete any files that were copied to the location. However, any clone files that were copied will be overwritten the next time the course is downloaded to that location.