What's New for the 7 September 2018 Patch Release

The following is released along with the 7 September 2018 patch release:

Module Feature Description
Core WYSIWYG HTML Editor Validation Rules - Stage Deployment

As part of Cornerstone’s ongoing commitment to client portal security and to provide a consistent user experience, we are continuing to strengthen the security where the WYSIWYG HTML Editor is used. Planned for the October ’18 Release, Cornerstone will enforce these same validation rules in other parts of your portal where the WYSIWYG HTML Editor is used. If your organization has already chosen to have your portal in a less secure state, you will not be impacted by the September 5 stage patch deployment or October ’18 Release.

To help clients prepare for this change and give you time to assess the impact it may have on your portal, Cornerstone will push the validation rules to Stage environments in the September 5 stage patch deployment. This will give you the opportunity to test the validation rules from September 5 until the release on October 26.

Cornerstone HR User Record - Adding User to Group as of Now

Prior to the September 7 Patch, CHR administrators had the ability to add a user to groups "as of now," and ALSO add users to groups as of a specific future or past date, though the feature was only designed to allow users to be added "as of now."

With the September 7 Patch, as a correction to this behavior, CHR administrators will no longer be able to create or update group memberships as of a specific date. The existing feature of adding users to groups "as of now" is NOT impacted.

Cornerstone HR/Succession/View Org Chart - Usability Enhancements With this enhancement, administrators can hide a user's email and phone number on the user card flyout on the org chart. This feature can be enabled or disabled in Org Chart Preferences.
Engage Response Scales

With this enhancement, a Response Scales tab has been added to the Engage Library, which allows Engage administrators to define custom Response Scales that can be selected when creating survey questions. This means administrators no longer need to individually define custom scales for each question. Custom Response Scales can be used with an unlimited number of questions, and if the Response Scale is modified via the Response Scales tab, these modifications are applied to all questions using the Response Scale.

Learning/Edge Integrate LinkedIn Learning Integration

With the September 7 2018 patch, the LinkedIn Learning integration is now available in the Edge Marketplace, allowing LinkedIn Learning content to be synchronized with the Learning Management System (LMS). Learners can launch LinkedIn Learning content from the LMS or their LinkedIn portal and have their progress tracked in their LMS transcripts.

Recruiting Candidate Password Reset With this enhancement, recruiters can now reset a candidate's password. This provides an alternative workflow for recovering candidate accounts by allowing users who have the appropriate permission to change the password.
Recruiting Modular Offer Letters - Text Editor Updates With this enhancement, users have access to additional configurability options in the text editor when creating Modular Offer Letter sections and templates.
Reporting 2.0 Reporting 2.0 Delivery Update - Prevent Duplicate Delivery when Schedule Is Changed With this fix, modifying a schedule in Reporting 2.0 will not cause duplicate deliveries UNLESS the report is currently processing for delivery when the schedule is modified.
Reporting 2.0 Reporting 2.0 Data Map Enhancement With this enhancement, users only see a data map when they have the permission to view at least ONE of its sections.