Check-Ins Google Calendar Integration

Prior to this enhancement, when Check-In users created a series of meetings, they had to manually create matching meeting invites on their external Google calendar. This means that users had to manage meetings in two different systems.

With this enhancement, a user's Google calendar is integrated with Check-Ins meetings. Users can create a Check-Ins meeting(s) and send an invite to the Google calendar of both participants. Users receive reminders and can access Check-In meetings from their Google calendar.

Participants in the meeting series can also edit the meeting schedule and calendar invite.

An administrator must enable the Google calendar invite to use these features.

Enable the Google Calendar Invite

To enable the Google Calendar Invite feature, go to Admin > Tools > Core Functions > Email Management​. Complete the following fields:

  • Enter Search Text - Type "check-in"
  • Select Text Field to Search - Select "Email Action"
  • Select Email Action Type - Select "All Action Types"
  • Select Email Category - Select "All Categories"

Once enabled, users can create or edit series and individual meetings and send invites to an Google calendar.

Create or Edit Check-Ins Meeting Series

To create or edit a new Check-In meeting series, go to Check-Ins Home Page > Create a new Check-In Meeting or open an existing meeting series.

The following fields allow users to schedule a meeting and send an Google calendar invite to participants:

  • Meeting Frequency fields: Select weekly or monthly recurrence options.
  • End field: Select to end the meeting series on a specific date. Options are On to end on a specific date, No End to continue indefinitely, or After to end after a specific number of occurrences.
  • First Meeting Start Time and First Meeting End Time: Select meeting times for recurring meetings. These fields must be completed to automatically send or download an Google calendar invite.
  • Meeting Time Zone - The default time zone for this meeting. This is a required field.
  • Meeting Location field: Select a location for the meeting series. Add a link to a MSTeams or Zoom call or the name of the meeting room.
  • Email Invite: Check to send an Google calendar invite to both participant in the Check-Ins meeting series. The meeting invite is updated if there are changes to the meeting series. Email invites can be sent on desktop or mobile.

If these fields are completed, users can also edit the Check-In name and description before confirming the Check-In meeting. Once the meeting is confirmed, the invite is automatically sent to the Google calendar for both participants.

Update Meetings and Google Calendar Invites

Updating a series or individual meeting in Cornerstone automatically sends an updated invite to the user's Google calendar.

Update a Meeting Series

To update a meeting series, go to PERFORMANCE > CHECK-INS and click the appropriate check-in series on your home page. Click the ellipses, select Check-Ins Settings, and then select the Manage Meeting Schedule tab.

Any changes made on the Manage Meeting Schedule tab will automatically update the future Check-Ins meetings and send a new Google calendar invite.

Note: Any changes must be made in Cornerstone Check-Ins. If a user make changes or deletions in their Google calendar, those changes are not updated in Cornerstone Check-Ins.

The Check-Ins Modification History tab provides details of any changes made to the selected meeting series.

Update an Individual Meeting

To update an individual meeting, open a meeting and select the date at the top of the page. On the fly-out, make the necessary changes. The participant calendars will reflect the new changes. Changes to individual meetings do not impact the Check-In series.

Google Calendar Invite

The Google invite includes the following information:

  • Meeting Name: The Check-Ins series name.
  • Organiser: This is always "Cornerstone".​
  • Attendees: The participants in the meeting series.​
  • Time:
    • Start time: The meeting start time.​
    • End time: The meeting end time.​
  • Date: The meeting date.​
  • Location, if specified: The location information.​
  • Invite Body: Configured by the administrator.

Google calendar invites can be sent automatically or by downloading/importing:

  • Automatically - Complete the associated fields and click the Email Invite box when creating or editing a Check-Ins meeting series.
    • Administrators must create an email for the "Check-In Calendar Invitation Change" to allow invitations to be sent.
    • Users must have their correct email addresses stored in the system to receive emails.
    • The default email is
  • Downloading and importing -  In Meeting View, open the appropriate meeting series and select the appropriate meeting start and end time. Select the vertical ellipsis and select Download Calendar Invite (Series) or Download Calendar Invite (Occurrence). The meeting is downloaded to the participant's Google calendar. Downloading allows users to receive Google calendar invites even if the email invite functionality is not configured on their system. Once the ICS file downloads to a browser, the user can drag the invite into their Google calendar and import the invite information into Google.


  • If a user makes changes through Cornerstone Check-Ins and selects “Send email invite”, all meetings in the Google calendar series are updated to reflect the changes. If a user makes changes through Cornerstone, past meetings in Check-Ins are not updated.
  • If a user adds a new meeting to the Cornerstone Check-Ins series after sending the invites, and it is not part of the recurrence, this meeting is not reflected in the participants Google calendar.


  • Administrators must enable this feature. Go to Admin > Tools > Core Functions > Email Management​ and check the Check-In Invitation Change box.
  • The downloading invites functionality is off by default. To enable it, go to Admin > Performance Management > Check-Ins > Check-Ins Settings. Enable the Check-Ins Calendar Invite Download option.
  • To use the email invite functionality, an administrator must activate and configure the Check-In Calendar Invitation Change email trigger.


The following existing permissions apply to this functionality:

Check-Ins - Create

Grants ability for the user to create and update Check-Ins. The permission constraints determine with whom the user can create Check-In discussions. This permission can be constrained by OU, User's OU, User Self and Subordinates, User, User's Subordinates, User's Direct Reports, User's Self, User's Manager, User's Superiors, and Employee Relationship. Users with constraints in the “Check-Ins - Create” permission cannot create a new Check-In with anyone who is not part of the constraints, but can still view and update any Check-In in which they are a participant.

This is an end user permission.

Note: Permission constraint to Employee Relationship grants permission to dotted line or secondary managers to create Check-Ins with users that report to them in the matrix structure. A constraint "Restricted to Employee Relationship: Detail Supervisor" means that the Detail Supervisor can create a Check-In with their indirect subordinate but the indirect subordinate cannot create a Check-In with their Detail Supervisor.

Email - Edit From Address Grants ability to edit the "from" address when creating or modifying an email trigger. In addition, the Allow user to change email address option must be selected in Email Preferences. This permission works in conjunction with the Global Email Administration - Manage permission. This is an administrator permission. Core Administration
Global Email Administration - Manage Grants ability to manage email trigger templates across all active modules in the portal. Enables creating, editing and deleting email message templates for various system actions and workflows. This permission can be constrained by OU, User's OU, User Self and Subordinates, and User. This is an administrator permission. Core Administration
Global Email Administration - View Grants view only access to email templates/triggers and email logs at the global level for the portal. This permission can be constrained by OU, User's OU, User Self and Subordinates, and User. This is an administrator permission. Core Administration