Check-Ins Calendar Invite Enhancements

With this release, Check-Ins provides the following updates to the calendar functionality:

  • Meeting start time and end time selection options
  • Undeliverable message removed
  • Calendar invites for as needed meetings

Meeting Start Time and End Time Selection Options

With this release, when selecting start and end times for a Check-Ins meeting, users can select a clock icon that provides a drop-down list that displays available times in 30-minute intervals. Selecting a start time from the drop-down automatically adjusts the end time to 30 minutes after the selected start time. The next time users reopen the start time drop-down list, it defaults to the time previously selected.

Additionally, users can select the clock icon and use keyboard arrows to select a time from the drop-down list or manually type in a specific time.

Undeliverable Message Removed

Prior to this release, when users responded to a Check-Ins calendar invite, they received a message indicating the response is undeliverable.

With this enhancement, the undeliverable message is no longer sent.

Calendar Invites for As Needed Meetings

Before this enhancement, the Email Invite field was hidden when creating a new As Needed meeting series.

With this release, the Email Invite checkbox "Send a calendar invite to all participants. Invites will be automatically updated if meetings are amended or cancelled." is enabled.

The following message also appears:

"A calendar invite will be sent to all participants for the initial meeting of this series. For subsequent meetings, kindly select "New Meeting" within the Check-Ins Series."

This means that a meeting invite is sent only for this meeting occurrence in the series. For additional as needed meetings in this series, a separate invite must be sent.

Create a new meeting in an as needed series

Before this enhancement, when creating a new As Needed meeting, it was not clear to users that they must edit the meeting to access the window that allows them to send a calendar invite.

With this release, when a user selects New Meeting within an As Needed meeting, a Create New Meeting window opens automatically. Users complete the required fields and any additional fields, and then select Create.

Note: To send a calendar invite for this meeting, the Email Invite checkbox must be selected.


This functionality is automatically enabled for all organizations using the Performance Check-Ins module.


The following existing permissions apply to this functionality:

Check-Ins - Create

Grants ability for the user to create and update Check-Ins. The permission constraints determine with whom the user can create Check-In discussions. This permission can be constrained by OU, User's OU, User Self and Subordinates, User, User's Subordinates, User's Direct Reports, User's Self, User's Manager, User's Superiors, and Employee Relationship. Users with constraints in the “Check-Ins - Create” permission cannot create a new Check-In with anyone who is not part of the constraints, but can still view and update any Check-In in which they are a participant.

This is an end user permission.

Note: Permission constraint to Employee Relationship grants permission to dotted line or secondary managers to create Check-Ins with users that report to them in the matrix structure. A constraint "Restricted to Employee Relationship: Detail Supervisor" means that the Detail Supervisor can create a Check-In with their indirect subordinate but the indirect subordinate cannot create a Check-In with their Detail Supervisor.

