Stripe Tax - Edge Enablement

The Stripe Tax integration is now available through the Cornerstone Edge marketplace. Customers using payment gateways that do not provide sales tax calculations can use the Stripe Tax feature to add sales tax to the purchase price of products sold through Cornerstone Extended Enterprise.

When the Stripe Tax integration is enabled, administrators can select Stripe as the tax calculator when defining payment accounts.

Customers can access reports within Stripe to file returns.


  • The Stripe Tax integration was released in March 2024. This enhancement makes it easier to enable through the Edge Marketplace.
  • Stripe Tax is available complimentary with the Stripe Payment Gateway integration. Customers who have enabled the Stripe Payment Gateway do not need to enable Stripe Tax.
  • Stripe Tax is not available for Cybersource or PayPal payment gateways.
  • Customers must have a Stripe account to use the Stripe Tax service.
  • Customers need to set up the regions where they want to collect sales tax in their Stripe account.
  • Stripe Tax can only be calculated based on the billing address.


Contact your Account Manager to get started.