Required Training Tagging (Early Adopter) Enhancements

Required Training Tagging was released as an Early Adopter in March 2024. It has helped organizations monitor required training assignments and has given learners and managers visibility into Required Training. Administrators can tag training as needed while assigning it to learners and tie it to a requirement to ensure better visibility and tracking. The purpose is to recommend a learner to take a training deemed "required." The requirements descriptions are client-specific and give learners and managers a better understanding of why the training is assigned.

What is a Requirement?

A requirement is typically something you want to track to understand if the learner has fulfilled it. To fulfill the requirement, the learner must take specific training marked as "required." Completing the training fulfills the requirement. To know more, See Required Training Tagging Overview.

The July 2024 Release further enhances the Required Training Tagging feature by introducing the following functionalities:

  • Display the start date of an Append Versioned training on the transcript and Learner Home (key for highly regulated customers).
  • Reveal the requirement from the curriculum when a child training has a due date in the Learner Home training sidebar.
  • Display the Required tag in the curriculum player if a child has been assigned as a standalone and required.
  • Unremoved training gets updated requirements when the Learning Assignment is updated.
  • Archived trainings are restored to the active transcript when they are versioned or reassigned.

How Does this Enhancement Benefit My Organization?

  • By adopting the required training enhancements, the administrator ensures users have visibility of the required training, which reduces the risk of being out of compliance.
  • Managers can monitor team members' transcripts and determine, based on the start date, when training needs to be taken from a business perspective. This empowers them to reduce overall compliance risk.
  • Learners have complete visibility on requirements and start dates, which helps them set priorities for training that must be completed and ensure compliance.


The "Start Date" visibility requires activation via Feature Activation Preferences. To do this, go to ADMIN > TOOLS > LEARNING > LEARNING PREFERENCES > FEATURE ACTIVATION PREFERENCES. In the Activate Learner Home & Transcript "Start Date" visibility enhancement section, click ACTIVATE. Once activated, this preference cannot be deactivated.

To share your feedback, please visit Required Training Community.

To see what is next for Required Training, visit Cornerstone Product Roadmap.


The following existing permissions apply to this functionality:

Activate Required Training Requirements Preferences Grants ability to activate Required Training Requirements by organizational unit. This permission can be constrained by OU and User. When activated, these reasons are available to administrators when assigning training from Learning Assignment Tool (LAT). Learning - Administration
Assignment Tool - Edit Required Training TAG and reason Grants the administrator the ability to edit the Required Training reason and TAG of dynamic learning assignments via the Assignment Summary page for the assignment. This permission can be constrained by OU and User's OU. Learning - Administration
Learning Features Self Activation Grants access to the Feature Activation Preferences page, where an administrator can activate new features associated with Learning, Connect and Extended Enterprise. Learning - Administration
Remove Required Training Grants ability to remove required trainings if user has another training removal permission. This permission can be constrained by OU, User's OU, User's Corporation, User Self and Subordinates, User's Self, User's Direct Subordinates, and User. This is an administrator permission. Learning
Required Training Requirements Manage Grants ability to add and edit/update Requirements, which can then be made to appear or not appear at the organizational unit level to administrators when setting up Required Training Learning Assignments. This is an administrator permission. Learning - Administration