Create Tool - Updates to Handling of Customized Cornerstone Content Beginning in November 2024

If your company uses Cornerstone Content Subscriptions and duplicates courses provided by Cornerstone through the Create Tool, there will be an important change starting from the November 2024 release. Any content from the Cornerstone Content Subscriptions duplicated or customized using the Create Tool will be considered part of the original template course's subscription. This means that duplicated courses will be managed and possibly subject to the same subscription terms and conditions as the original content provided by Cornerstone.

The key functionalities of this announcement are:

  • Usage of duplicated content will count against total license usage for a subscription.
  • All duplicated content from a subscription will be deactivated upon subscription expiration, as long as the original course is not part of an additional, active subscription.
  • Content retirements will have no impact on duplicated content.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)