Global Search (Training) - Deprecation of Traditional Search with the November 2024 Release

With the introduction of Enhanced Search in Global Search, Cornerstone is planning to deprecate the SQL-based legacy Traditional Search for Global Search in November 2024.

The Enhanced Search is a more performant, scalable, and results-driven way to power a search framework. It allows us to provide better, faster searches. The Enhanced Search supports most filters currently used in Global Search (Training).

How Does this Deprecation Impact My Organization?

  • Administrators can no longer transition the Global Search (Training) page back to Traditional Search (SQL) using Search Preferences.
  • Using Enhanced Search as the default framework for Global Search provides end users with a consistent and unified experience while providing better, faster search results.​

Deprecation Milestone

  • March 2024: Traditional Search Deprecation Announcement.
  • July 2024: Removal of the Global Search Traditional Search Preference in the user interface. Administrators can no longer configure Traditional Search in their portal. No changes are made to customer settings.
  • November 2024: Traditional Search is deprecated from Global Search – Training. Any remaining customers using Traditional Search will have their portals updated to use Enhanced Search.


  • All filter configurations (except for Title, Keyword, and Description) for Global Search (Training) remain unchanged. The administrators require no action to continue using the same filters once the default change has been made.
  • In most cases, a newly created or updated learning object is updated within Enhanced Search results within 15 minutes or less, with few exceptions.
    • The learning object was included as a part of a large data ingestion, or a large bulk update was completed. In this case, the time for the update to be made available within search results may depend on the amount or the size of the change.
    • The learning object was created or updated at the exact moment of an update to the data set. In this case, we would expect the learning object to be available beyond 15 minutes time-frame.
  • All filters use an 'AND' operation when Enhanced Search is enabled. This includes Custom Fields, which currently uses an 'OR' operation when Traditional Search is enabled.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)