Deprecation of Legacy Self Registration Page with the March '25 Release

With the introduction of the redesigned Self-Registration Page with the July 2024 Release as Open Beta, Cornerstone is planning to deprecate the legacy Self-Registration Page by the March 2025 Release.

With the November 2024 Release, Cornerstone plans to extend support to all fields, including custom fields, support page breaks, and custom text, and deprecate Hierarchy custom field support for the redesigned Self-Registration workflow, which will go to Early Adopter. By March 2025, the redesigned Self-Registration Page will go to General Availability as the legacy Self-Registration Page deprecates.

Deprecation Milestone

  • July 2024: Deprecation Announcement. Self-Registration available as Open Beta.
  • November 2024: The redesigned Self-Registration will be available as an Early Adopter. It will support page breaks, custom text, and all fields, including custom fields. The Hierarchy Custom Field support will be deprecated.
  • March 2025: Legacy Self-Registration Page and HTML support will be deprecated. The redesigned Self-Registration Page will be released under General Availability.