Curriculum Enhancements​

With this release, Cornerstone is making five specific improvements to curriculum management. These enhancements are driven by customer feedback and designed to ensure the system functions more predictably. Here are the details of each enhancement:

  • "Created By" Field Stability: Ensuring that the "Created By" field for curricula remains unchanged when a child training within that curriculum is versioned.
  • Self-Requested Curriculum Upgrades: Ensuring removed curricula are automatically upgraded to the latest version when users request it.
  • Curriculum Transcript Modification History Enhancement: Improving the modification history records for curriculum transcript updates that occur due to version upgrades.
  • Display Version Number When Adding Training to Curricula: Ensuring administrators select the correct training version when adding training to a curriculum.
  • Link Expiration Enhancements: Implementing changes related to curricula and child trainings when link expiration date has been set.
  • Child Training Due Date Enhancement: Revising how due dates are calculated for child trainings when these trainings are recurred.

How Does this Enhancement Benefit My Organization?

  • These enhancements ensure predictability in curriculum-related workflows.
  • Improved modification history for versioning scenarios.
  • Consistent access between web and mobile apps for link expiration scenarios.
  • Added visibility of version numbers when adding training to a curriculum.
  • Improved child training due date recalculation logic to ensure training is not assigned in ‘Past Due’ status.


This functionality is automatically enabled for all organizations using the Learning module.


The following existing permissions apply to this functionality:

Curricula Admin - Manage

Grants ability to create new and edit/update existing curricula. This permission can be constrained by OU, User's OU, Provider, and User's LO Availability. This is an administrator permission.

Adding an OU constraint and a provider constraint to this permission results in an "AND" statement.

Tip: Do not constrain this permission to your entire corporation; it can cause long page load times and timeout errors. Applying this constraint is functionally the same as leaving the permission unconstrained, but omitting this constraint does not cause the system to do the unnecessary constraint checks as in the former scenario.

Learning - Administration
Curriculum Admin - View

Grants view only access to curriculum details via Curriculum Administration screen. Does not include ability to view details of users enrolled in curricula. This permission can be constrained by Provider, OU, User's OU, and User's LO Availability.

Adding an OU constraint and a provider constraint to this permission results in an "AND" statement.

Tip: Do not constrain this permission to your entire corporation; it can cause long page load times and timeout errors. Applying this constraint is functionally the same as leaving the permission unconstrained, but omitting this constraint does not cause the system to do the unnecessary constraint checks as in the former scenario.

Learning - Administration
Curriculum Owner Grants ability for those designated as owner of one or more existing curricula to make edits/updates to those curricula. This is an administrator permission. Learning - Administration