Ability to Assign Training Beyond Managers - General Availability

This enhancement simplifies assigning training for non-administrative users by adding these additional constraints to the Assign Training with Constraints permission.

  • User's Organizational Unit (OU) - Standard and Custom

  • Restrict to Employee Relationship

The following are the key features of this enhancement:

  • Mapping the User's OU (standard and custom) constraint to the Assign Training with Constraints permission.

  • Mapping the Restrict to Employee Relationship constraint to the Assign Training with Constraints permission.

  • Searching for users on the Assign Training page will return relevant results based on first name and last name matches. For example, searching for "John Smith" won't return results for "John Doe," even though they share the first name.

To assign training from the Training Details page, search for the learning object (LO), and then click the Assign button. Enter the necessary details on the Assign Training page and click Submit.

How Does this Enhancement Benefit My Organization?

The new constraints added to the Assign Training with Constraints permission allow users to assign training to employees within their OUs and to employees with which they have a custom relationship.

Finding users on the Assign Training page is streamlined. Searching returns relevant results based on first and last name matches.


This functionality is available for all organizations using the Learning module.

This functionality is controlled by a feature activation setting, which is disabled by default. It can be self-activated via Feature Activation Preferences.


The following existing permission applies to this functionality:

Assign Training with Constraints

This permission grants any Role, User, or Organizational Unit (standard and custom, including groups) the ability to assign training to other users. This permission, along with its constraints, seamlessly integrates with the existing Assign Training permission. Users with either the new permission or both will be redirected to a new interface and will use the constraints associated with the Assign Training with Constraints permission. This permission can be constrained by the following:

  • User's direct subordinates
  • User's subordinates
  • User’s Organizational Unit - Standard and Custom

  • Organizational Units (including Groups) - Standard and Custom
  • Provider
  • Training Type
  • Training Item (specific training)
  • Restrict to Employee Relationship

Multiple constraints on the permission between User/OU and LO are treated as AND constraints, whereas constraints between User/OU are treated as OR constraints.

Learning - Administration