Reporting Fields - Learning

The following enhancements are made to Reporting fields with the Learning type:

  • A new field is added: Original Certification ID
  • Changes to existing Reporting fields:
    • Training Skills field is renamed to Training Legacy Skills
    • Observed Training Hours field now stores seconds
    • Enhancements are made to Required Training Reporting
    • Display list for Restricted Training Title Filtering

New Field: Original Certification ID

The following new field is available to use in Reporting 2.0 with the Learning type:

Field Name Field Description Field Type
Original Certification ID If the certification has been versioned, this field represents the first (original) certification ID. If the certification has not been versioned, this value will be the same as the Certification ID. Numeric

The new "Original Certification ID" field assigns a unique identifier to certifications that remains unaffected by versioning. This field retains the original Certification ID from when the certification was first created and serves as a unique identifier for the certification.

"Training Skills" Field Renamed to “Training Legacy Skills"

The legacy "Training Skills" field in Reporting 2.0 has been renamed to "Training Legacy Skills" to avoid confusion with fields reporting on skills for Capabilities.

Old Name New Name
Training Skills Training Legacy Skills

Observed Training Hours Field Now Stores Seconds

Prior to this enhancement, the "Observed Training Hours" field in Reporting 2.0 stored only hours and minutes.

With this enhancement, the "Observed Training Hours" field stores hours, minutes, and seconds, allowing for more precise reporting.

Field Name Change
Observed Training Hours Field now stores Hours, Minutes and Seconds

Enhancements to Required Training Reporting

This enhancement allows administrators include the required training indicator, reason, and category as part of the Assignment and Curriculum Transcript report type. Previously, they were only available for "Transcript Report" and "Transcript and Performance Review" reports.

The following fields are now available in Reporting 2.0 for Assignment and Curriculum Transcript:

Field Name Field Description Field Type
Requirement Assign Date This displays the date on which the requirement was assigned to the user for this registration number. Date
Requirement Category This displays the required training category which indicates in which grouping the requirement is organized. Text
Requirement Category ID This displays the ID for the category. Text
Requirement Fulfilled This displays whether the requirement was fulfilled. Yes/No
Requirement ID This field displays the ID of the requirement which has been assigned to the user via the learning assignment. Text
Requirement Title This displays the name of the requirement. Text
Note: Required Training Tagging must be enabled for a value to be returned when these fields are included in a report. See Required Training Tagging Overview.

The following new granular permissions apply to the Required Training reporting fields:

  • Reporting - Learning – Required Training – View
  • Reporting – Learning – Required Training – Manage

The following existing report-level permissions apply to the Required Training reporting fields:

Curriculum Transcript Report:

  • Reporting – Learning – CurriculumTranscriptReport – Manage
  • Reporting – Learning – CurriculumTranscriptReport – View

Assignment Report:

  • Reporting – Learning – AssignmentReport – Manage
  • Reporting – Learning – AssignmentReport – View

View permissions can be constrained on:

  • Restrict to user, user self and subordinates
  • Restrict to direct subordinates
  • Restrict to user OUs
  • Restrict to OUs

Display List for Restricted Training Title Filtering

Prior to this enhancement, when the Restrict Option – Limit Operators filter was applied in a report to restrict the training the user could choose from, users could not see the restricted list of pre-filtered training titles unless they typed a matching title.

With this enhancement, the full list of filtered training titles appears in the Select Training flyout, even when a filter is applied to restrict the trainings. Users running the report can then view the pre-filtered list of trainings, making it easier to choose the appropriate training.

To access the Search Training flyout, go to Reports > Reporting 2.0. Open a report with Restrict Option – Limit Operators filter applied to restrict trainings. Under the Training Title field, click Select Training to open the Select Training flyout.


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This functionality is automatically enabled for all organizations using the Reporting 2.0 module.