Global Session (Early Adopter)

With this enhancement, Global Session provides a unified session across Cornerstone products.

Global Session provides the following features:

  • Global Session management for Cornerstone portals and Learning Experience.
  • Users stay logged into both Cornerstone applications as long as they are logged into at least one.
  • Users get logged out of both Cornerstone applications if they log out of either application.

This functionality is not available during UAT.


  • Cornerstone Learning and Learning Experience must be integrated such that Learning Experience users’ External ID equals Cornerstone Learning users’ Internal ID.
  • Cornerstone Learning must be set up as the SSO Identity Provider (IdP) for Learning Experience.
  • The Learning Experience must have only one form of authentication: Cornerstone Learning. Additional forms of authentication, such as username and password, are not supported when using Global Session.
  • The ultimate authentication for Learning Experience users must be via the customer’s SAML-based IdP. See the following setup:


  • Global Session currently only applies to Cornerstone Learning and Cornerstone Learning Experience.
  • A user's initial login process is unchanged. Learning Experience users must authenticate in Learning Experience before accessing Cornerstone Learning.
  • This feature is not supported when using the Proxy as Another User feature.


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To enable this functionality, submit a case to Global Customer Support. In the case, provide your Cornerstone Learning URL, Learning Experience URL, and IdP for the Global Session.

Once the Global Customer Support ticket is completed, you will be provided an AuthRequestIssuer. You should set up a new account in your IdP for the Cornerstone Learning Management system using this AuthRequestIssuer. This new account will be used for learners who access the Cornerstone Learning Management from the Cornerstone Learning Experience.

This feature is available to Cornerstone customers using the Cornerstone Learning Experience.