Edge Import - New Learning Load Type - (LO Prerequisite)

A new Learning Object (LO) Prerequisite load type enables administrators to bulk add, update, or remove prerequisites via Edge Import.

The following fields are required for the data load:

  • Learning Object ID
  • Prerequisite Learning Object ID
  • Action


  • The following training types support Learning Object IDs: Curriculum, Material, Online Class, Online Content, Event, Session, Test, and Video.
  • The learner must complete prerequisites before they can register for the LO.
  • Adding or changing prerequisites does not cause versioning, and the changes do not apply to learners who already have the training on their transcript.
  • When the load file contains multiple Add and Delete actions for the same training, Add actions process before Delete actions.
  • When a Delete action happens, and the corresponding Option's only prerequisite is deleted, the Option number is deleted, and the remaining Option numbers are recalculated. For example, a training has prerequisite Option numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4, and each Option number has only one associated prerequisite training. The load file specifies that the prerequisite from Option 2 be deleted. After deletion, there is no prerequisite training associated with Option 2, so Option 2 is deleted, and Options 3 and 4 are recalculated to find the correct option numbers in order. The training now has prerequisite Options 1, 2, and 3.


This functionality is automatically enabled for existing Edge Import customers. Access is controlled by the new Access LMS - LO Prerequisite permission.

Feeds and Bulk API are not currently supported.

The Template Guides in Edge Import will be available to support this new load type.


The following new permission applies to this functionality:

Access LMS - LO Prerequisite Load Grants access to the LO Prerequisite data load via Edge Import. This permission cannot be constrained. This is an administrator permission. Edge Import

The following existing permission applies to this functionality:

Access Edge Import Grants access to the Edge Import tool, which enables administrators to load data into their portal. This permission cannot be constrained. This is an administrator permission. Edge Import