Capabilities Preferences - Updated Instructions for Proficiency Levels

With the July ’24 Release, the instructions for the Proficiency Levels page in Capabilities Preferences and the edit modal instructions for the page are updated as follows:

Page New Instructions
Proficiency Levels Assess and compare capabilities against a set proficiency scale across your organization.
Edit Proficiency Levels

Customize your organization's proficiency levels. You can have up to 10 levels. If you already have ratings in the system, changing the order or number of levels will impact those existing ratings.

Your proficiency level structure can only be changed in English-US. Add translations for each levels' name and description using the dropdown.


This functionality is automatically enabled for all organizations.


The following existing permission applies to this functionality:

Capability Preferences - Manage Grants the ability to create and edit expertise levels and rating scales for capabilities via Capabilities Preferences. This permission cannot be constrained. This is an administrator permission. Core Administration