Ability to Delete a Capability

Previously, administrators could not delete capabilities from the system interface. Cornerstone prevented this action from the UI to prevent losing existing alignment between capabilities and other objects, such as users, models, and learning objects. However, some scenarios, such as syncing with other skill libraries, require a delete function.

With the July ’24 Release, a Delete action is now available for capabilities on the Manage Capabilities page. This feature enables administrators with the Capability Library - Manage permission to manage the capability library to delete a capability when administrators need to harmonize library data.

Delete a capability in Manage Capabilities

A Delete option is now available in Manage Capabilities. Deleted capabilities cannot be restored. When administrators delete a capability, the following occurs:

  • The capability is deleted from any Capability Model. If a Capability Model has no remaining active skills, it is deactivated. Administrators cannot reactivate it until they add at least one capability.
  • The capability is removed from all users' Skills Profile.
  • The capability is removed from reporting.

The best practice for capabilities associated with other data is to deactivate them rather than delete them. The delete function should only be used when an organization is comfortable losing that capability and its relationship with other objects.

Starter Guide

Click here to download the Skills Profile and Capabilities Library Starter Guide.


This functionality is automatically enabled for all organizations. The Delete action is only available for administrators with the Capability Library - Manage permission.


The following existing permission applies to this functionality:

Capability Library - Manage Grants the ability to create, edit, copy, delete, import, and approve capabilities via the Capability Library. This permission cannot be constrained. This is an administrator permission. Core Administration