Ability to Access Learning Experience Home Page from Cornerstone

Customers who utilize the Learning Experience platform (formerly known as LXP or EdCast) and Cornerstone can now access their Learning Experience home page from Cornerstone using a new Galaxy Home navigation link or by clicking their company logo. This creates an improved navigation experience when end users are in the Cornerstone application and need to return to the Learning Experience platform.

Navigation Link

When enabled, a new Galaxy Home navigation link is displayed under the navigation tab where the Welcome Page is located. This link directs users to their Learning Experience home page.

  • Customers can configure which navigation tab contains the Welcome Page in Navigation Tabs and Links (ADMIN > TOOLS > CORE FUNCTIONS > CORE PREFERENCES > NAVIGATION TABS AND LINKS).
  • The Galaxy Home link will be the second link under the Welcome Page tab, and this location cannot be configured.
  • Customers can customize the title of the Galaxy Home navigation link by specifying the new name when they contact Global Customer Support.
  • The Galaxy Home link is only available for users with the Access to EdCast permission.

Company Logo

Customers can set their company logo to direct users to their Learning Experience home page. If users have the Access to EdCast permission, users can click the company logo to open the Learning Experience home page. If they do not have this permission, clicking the company logo opens the Cornerstone home page.


Customers must contact Global Customer Support to enable this functionality. Customers will need to provide their Galaxy Home page URL in the case details.

Customers can customize the title of the Galaxy Home navigation link by specifying the new name when they contact Global Customer Support.

The Galaxy Home link is only available for users with the Access to EdCast permission.


The following existing permission applies to this functionality:

Access to EdCast

Grants access to Cornerstone Learning Experience. This permission is only for customers who have purchased Cornerstone Learning Experience.
