Form Enhancement - Guardrails

With this release, when the system's maximum allowed number of forms and form fields is reached, an error message displays. The user interface (UI) also provides limitation messaging. These guardrails ensure that Reporting 2.0 on Forms works as expected without errors.

Form Field Limit Per Form

On the Build tab, the form field limit per form ensures that a form configuration does not exceed the 100-field maximum. All fields added to a form are counted as one except the E-Signature field. The UI provides messaging about the maximum number of fields and the following error message appears when users reach the maximum: "Field limit of 100 reached. Please remove at least <number of fields> to save."

Page breaks are not counted as fields.

To access the Build tab, go to ADMIN > TOOLS > CORE FUNCTIONS > FORM MANAGEMENT > MANAGE FORMS. From the Manage Forms page, select CREATE FORM.

Existing Forms

The following applies to existing forms:

  • Forms that exceed 100 fields still work, but cannot be copied.
  • Forms with less than 100 fields can be copied.

Form Field Limit Across Forms

The overall form field limit applies to all fields used in all reportable and published forms. If the same field is used in several forms, that field is counted as one field. If the form limit across forms is exceeded, the following message displays: "Allowed form limits exceeded. To reduce the number of forms and fields, please set some forms to be excluded from reporting."

To exclude a field from the overall count, it must be excluded from all published and reportable forms that use it.

Reportable Form Amount Limit

The form amount limit applies to the number of reportable and published forms created. If this limit is exceeded, the following message appears: "Allowed form limits exceeded. To reduce the number of forms and fields, please set some forms to be excluded from reporting."

To exclude a form, the form must be excluded from reporting.


  • Only one guardrail at a time activates when you make or change a form in the following order:

    • Form field per form
    • Form field limit across forms
    • Form field per form


This functionality is automatically enabled for all organizations using the Forms feature.


The following existing permissions apply to this functionality:

Manage Forms - Manage

Grants access to the Manage Forms functionality. This permission can be constrained by OU and User's OU. This is an administrator permission.

Note: This permission enables access to the Form Management functionality that is part of Cornerstone HR functionality and the Onboarding module. This permission does not grant access to the Training Forms Management functionality.

Forms Management Administration