Version Equivalence Alignment - Materials and Online Course Feature (Early Adopter)

Prior to this enhancement, the version equivalence did not always respect the basic business logic of applying version equivalence with the previous version. It did not always respect the intention of the versioning when users had skipped a version.

With this enhancement, users who have completed the previous version, have a version equivalence received for the previous version, or should be entitled to have received one can get a version equivalence status for the newly created version. This feature enables the enhanced version equivalence flow for online courses and materials always to respect the basic business logic of applying version equivalence with the previous version.

The definition of the previous version is the version that is before the newly created version, regardless of the versioning type (append or replace). Example: if version 4 is version equivalent, it is always with the previous version, in this case, version 3.

This workflow ensures the version equivalence chain is respected. For example, if version 2 is version equivalent to version 1, and version 3 is version equivalent to version 2, then learners who have completed version 1 and receive version 3 get version equivalence.

If, at some point, the version equivalence chain is interrupted, then retraining is required. Example: A learner has completed version 1; version 2 is version equivalent to version 1. Version 3 requires retraining; version 4 is equivalent to version 3. If the learner gets version 4 pushed, the learner will be registered for version 4.

As Version Equivalence Alignment is released as an Early Adopter with the March ‘24 release, it is not activated by default. To activate it, go to Admin > Tools > Learning > Learning Preferences > Feature Activation Preferences. In the Activate Version Equivalence Alignment - Materials And Online Course section, click Activate. Once activated, this preference cannot be deactivated. The updated version equivalence logic is targeted to be automatically enabled in all portals with the July ‘24 Release.

How Does this Enhancement Benefit My Organization?

Version equivalence respects the intention of the versioning, even when users skip a version.


The availability of this functionality is controlled by a feature activation setting, which is disabled by default. It can be self-activated via Feature Activation Preferences.


The following existing permissions apply to this functionality:

Learning Features Self Activation Grants access to the Feature Activation Preferences page, where an administrator can activate new features associated with Learning, Connect and Extended Enterprise. Learning - Administration