LinkedIn Learning Integration - Course Filtering Based on Language

Prior to this enhancement, customers had to receive all the courses that LinkedIn Learning Integration (LIL) was sending, even if they were in a language irrelevant to them.

With this enhancement, customers can choose only to receive LIL courses in available and active languages in their portal. When enabled, courses set to inactive or unavailable language in the portal will not be ingested. This will result in fewer courses, removing courses irrelevant to users.

The key features of this enhancement are as follows:

  • The portals will only receive LIL courses in languages that are relevant to them.
  • All LIL courses will show in their correct languages and will not default to English US.
  • The inactive languages will not be reactivated in the portal following a LIL course ingestion.

How Does this Enhancement Benefit My Organization?

  • The administrators have to sort through fewer LIL courses to find the best suited for their users.
  • There is no option to accidentally stumble on a LIL course listed with English US as the available language but in a language not available in the portal.


This enhancement is only relevant for customers that use the LIL integration available in Edge Marketplace.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


The availability of this functionality is controlled by a backend setting, which is disabled by default. To enable this functionality, contact Global Customer Support.