Assign Training Without Managerial or Approver Roles

You can assign training to other users without having a managerial or approval role.

To assign training:

  1. Search for the learning object (LO) and then, click Assign. See Search for Training.
  2. Select the users and click Continue to details.
    • User Selection: A checkbox near the Employee column allows the selection of all users on a specific page. A maximum of 1000 users can be selected, and a notification appears if the selection exceeds this limit. You can search for users by first name, last name, division, position, location, and manager's name.
    • Show Selected: This toggle, when activated, shows only the users selected for the training assignment.

  1. Provide the following information, and click Submit.
    • Training Purpose: A dropdown is available with training purposes from the Course Catalog.
    • Due Date: A calendar icon is provided for selecting a due date.
    • Add a Comment: Allows users to input comments or instructions related to the training assignment.
    • Automatically Register Users: Selecting this checkbox automatically registers users for training in a Registered status. This feature is disabled for Events, as automatic registration is not possible. Additionally, it is disabled when the training has an associated price, requiring payment before registering.

Training is assigned to the users, and you are redirected to the Learning Details page for the assigned training.


Assign Training with Constraints

This permission grants any Role, User, or Organizational Unit (standard and custom, including groups) the ability to assign training to other users. This permission, along with its constraints, seamlessly integrates with the existing Assign Training permission. Users with either the new permission or both will be redirected to a new interface and will use the constraints associated with the Assign Training with Constraints permission. This permission can be constrained by the following:

  • User's direct subordinates
  • User's subordinates
  • User’s Organizational Unit - Standard and Custom

  • Organizational Units (including Groups) - Standard and Custom
  • Provider
  • Training Type
  • Training Item (specific training)
  • Restrict to Employee Relationship

Multiple constraints on the permission between User/OU and LO are treated as AND constraints, whereas constraints between User/OU are treated as OR constraints.

Learning - Administration