Universal Profile - Transcript Overview

The Transcript page is a part of the Universal Profile.

Every user has a personalized transcript which enables the user to manage their training. The transcript displays the status of each learning object (LO) requested by, assigned to, or required of the user, which allows the user to determine if the training is pending, approved, denied, or many other potential statuses. Depending on the training status, users can register, launch, and perform a variety of other training functions directly from the transcript.

To access the Transcript page, go to Home > Universal Profile. Then, click the Transcript tab. Note: The location of this link is configurable by your system administrator. Note: The Employee Transcripts - Manager/Approver Access permission does not grant access to this page.

View Team

The View Team flyout allows managers, approvers, and custom relationships to quickly navigate between subordinates' profiles and transcripts. When enabled, the View Team flyout is available to managers and dotted line managers on all pages of their Universal Profile and the Universal Profile of their subordinates. This flyout displays the manager's reports visually.

The View Team button displays if enabled in the portal.

See Universal Profile - View Team Flyout.


The following options are available in the Options drop-down menu:

  • Assign Training - Select this option to assign training to a direct or indirect report. This option is only available if the user has permission to assign training and when viewing the Universal Profile page of a direct or indirect report. See Universal Profile - Options - Assign Training.
  • Add External Training - Select this option to add external training to your transcript. This option is only available for users with permission to add external training. See Universal Profile - Options - Add External Training. Note: In order to add external training to a certification, users must first add the external training to their transcript. Then, they must add it from their transcript to the certification or add the external training via the certification's Training Details page.
  • Add SF-182 External Training - Select this option to add external training using an SF-182 form. This option is only available for users with permission to add external training via the SF-182 form and if an SF-182 form has been configured by the administrator. See SF-182 Form - Overview.
  • Download Network Player - Select this option to download the Network Player. The installation dialog varies based on the user's Internet browser settings. This option is only available if the user has permission to download the Network Player. See Network Player Transcript Options.
  • Export to PDF - Select this option to print the current view of the transcript page to PDF. Only the training that is currently displayed is included in the printed transcript. If there are multiple pages, then only the current page is printed. The PDF file name is "[User First Name] [User Last Name] - Transcript - MM/DD/YYYY." This option is available to any user who can view the Transcript page.
  • Print Transcript - Select this option to view an HTML printable version of your transcript. Depending on which training category is selected when you select this option (Active, Archived, Removed), a printable version of the corresponding transcript training category is generated. This option is available to any user who can view the Transcript page. See Transcript - Print Transcript Pop-up.
  • Register Offline Device - Select this option to register an offline device, which enables you to log in to the Cornerstone mobile application using a unique PIN, rather than your username and password. This option opens the Mobile Devices tab of My Account. See My Account - Devices. Note: My Account is redesigned with the June 2014 release. If enabled, this option takes the user to the redesigned My Account page, rather than the old My Account page.
  • Run Transcript Report - Select this option to run the Transcript Report. This option is available to any user who can view the Transcript page. See Transcript - Transcript Report.
  • Request Exemption - The Request Exemption option is available in the Actions drop-down for training items, if applicable to both the training item and the user. If a user clicks this option, the Request Exemption pop-up appears. Using this pop-up, the user must select a reason for the exemption request and enter a comment. The user can click Confirm to complete the request or click Cancel to cancel the request. See Exemption - Request.
  • Mark Exempt - The Mark Exempt option is available to administrators in the Actions drop-down for training items, if applicable to both the training item and the user. If an administrator clicks this option, the Mark Exempt pop-up appears. Using this pop-up, the administrator must select a reason for the exemption and enter a comment. The administrator can click Confirm to complete the exemption or click Cancel to cancel the exemption.

Fiscal Year Training Overview

In Define Fiscal Year Preferences, the system administrator can configure the fiscal year and whether the aggregate training information is displayed on the Transcript.

If enabled, the following fiscal year training information is displayed at the top of the transcript:

  • Aggregate Training Completed - This displays the total number of hours of all completed training for the fiscal year that has hours associated with it. Removed training will be deducted from this total.
  • Fiscal Year - This displays the fiscal year for which the aggregate training and cost are calculated.
  • Cost - This displays the total cost of all completed training for the fiscal year that has an associated cost.

Training Category Filter

From the Training Category filter, users can filter the training based on whether the training in the transcript is active, completed, archived, or removed from the transcript. The Active filter option is selected by default. See Transcript - Training Category Statuses.

Transcript Sort

To the right of the Training Category filter, the sort option allows users to determine the order in which transcript items are displayed on the page. The following options are available:

  • By Title - This option sorts the transcript alphabetically by title in ascending or descending order, depending on how sorting preferences are configured within Transcript Preferences.
  • By Completion Date - This option sorts the transcript by completion date with the most recent dates appearing first. This option is not available when viewing the Active transcript category. Note: This sort option does not apply to certifications, so certifications appear at the bottom of the list when this sort option is selected.
  • By Status - This option sorts the transcript by status. The statuses are sorted alphabetically in ascending order.
  • By Training Purpose - This option sorts the transcript by training purpose. The training purposes are sorted in ascending numeric order, which is configured in Training Purpose Administration. The Training Purpose sort option is only available if training purpose is enabled. Note: This sort option does not apply to certifications, so certifications appear at the bottom of the list when this sort option is selected.
  • By Date Added - This option sorts the transcript by the date on which the item was added to the transcript. The items that were most recently added are displayed first. If the training item is a recurrence, then the most recent date associated with the item is used.
  • By Training Type - This option sorts the transcript by training type. The training types are sorted in alphabetical order.
  • By Due Date - This option sorts the transcript by due date with the soonest due dates appearing first.
  • By Family - This option sorts the transcript by certification family. This option is only available when Certification is selected from the LO Type filter.
  • By Category - This option sorts the transcript by certification category. This option is only available when Certification is selected from the LO Type filter.
  • By Expiration Date - This option sorts the transcript by certification expiration date. This option is only available when Certification is selected from the LO Type filter.

When a training item does not contain the field by which the transcript is sorted, those items appear at the bottom of the list sorted alphabetically.

LO Type Filter

To the right of the Transcript Sort option, the LO Type filter enables users to filter the items within their transcript by a specific LO type, such as online course, cohort, or certification. Only a single LO type can be selected at a time.

The LO Type filter only displays the LO types that are currently displayed on the user's transcript. For example, if the user only has certifications, online classes, and sessions on their transcript, then the user can only select those LO types from the filter. By default, all LO types are displayed on the transcript.

The LO Type filter is available for all training categories (i.e., Active, Completed, Archived, and Removed).

Transcript Search

Users can search for training items within the selected category of the transcript using the Search functionality. To search for a training item, enter the appropriate keywords in the Search for training field and then press the [Enter] key or click the Search icon .

The training items that match the search are displayed. The number of search results is displayed at the top of the list.

  • Only the selected transcript category is searched. For example, if the Completed category filter is selected, then only items within the Completed category are searched.
  • When searching for a LO that is on the user's transcript as part of a curriculum, the following is true:
    • Search returns the curriculum, but not the individual LO unless the LO is also on the Transcript as an individual item.
    • If the LO is not activated, it will not appear in the search results. LOs that are Registered or In Progress will appear in search results.
    • The child LO only appears in the search results if the child LO's training category status (i.e., Active, Completed, Archived) matches the parent LO's training category status.
    • The transcript search also supports searching for learning object(s) by pre-work and post-work titles. To search for a learning object by its associated pre-work, the pre-work must have been activated. Entering the title or a text string from the pre-work title will return the associated learning object(s) on the Active and Completed tab. Entering the pre-work string in the Search field on the Archived or Removed tab will NOT return the associated learning object(s). Similarly, if post-work is used and the post-work has been activated and the learning object is pending post-work or has been completed, entering the title of the post-work in the search box will display the learning object(s) associated with the post-work on the Active and Completed tab. Post-work searches on the Archived or Removed transcript tabs will NOT return the associated learning object(s).

To clear the search filter, click the Remove icon in the Search for training field.

Hide Certified Certifications

This option is only available when viewing the Active training category and when certifications exist on the user's transcript.

When this option is selected, the transcript only displays incomplete certifications for the user. Any certifications in which the user is currently certified are hidden. If the LO Type filter is set to a specific training type other than certifications, then this option is not available.

Transcript Items

By default, new users do not have any training on their transcript until training is assigned, requested, or loaded to their transcript.

The following information is displayed for each training item in the transcript:

  • Color Strip - The left edge of the LO is color coded to represent the proximity to the due date of the LO. For example, if the LO due date is past due, then the color strip is red to indicate that LO is due immediately. If a LO due date is not eminent, then the color strip is green to indicate that LO is not due immediately. See the Color Strip Key section below for additional information.
  • LO icon - The icon that is displayed corresponds with the LO type (e.g., certification, curriculum, event, library, online course). Hover the computer cursor over the icon to view the LO type.
  • LO title - When a user clicks the title of a training item on their transcript, they are navigated to an actionable page, which in most cases is the Learning Details page, where the user is allowed to launch and take other action on the training. See below for the different actionable pages to which the user may be directed, depending on the training type:
    • Learning Details - The user will be directed to the Learning Details page when they click the title of any of the following training types from their transcript:
      • Material
      • Online course
      • Test
      • Video
      • Posting
      • Event
      • Curriculum
      • Certification
      • Cohort
    • Event Learning Details - The user will be directed to the Event Learning Details page with the Session flyout expanded if they click the title of a session from their transcript.
    • External Content - The external content will launch when the user clicks the title of an external training item from their transcript.
    • External Training - The user will still be directed to the Transcript Details page if they click the title of an external training item.

Note: For session LOs, the session start date is appended to the LO title (e.g., Session Title Starts 12/01/2014). If the session is configured to Display in User's Timezone, the session start time will appear in addition to the session start date and LO title.

Note: For curriculum LOs, the curriculum expiration date is appended to the LO title (e.g., Curriculum Title Expires on 12/01/2014).

  • LO Due Date or Completion Date - For training that is active, archived, or removed, the LO due date is displayed, if available. For training that is completed, the LO completion date is displayed.
  • Status - The LO status is displayed.
  • Training Type - This displays the type of training, such as Online Class, Material, etc.
  • LO Expiration - For LO's that are associated with a subscription, an expiration date displays to the right of the Status field for transcript items.
    • The expiration date is the date on which the training will no longer be available for the user to complete at no cost. The subscription will need to be renewed for the user to have access to the LO for no cost, or the user can alternatively purchase the training at this point.
    • When an LO is available to a user in multiple subscriptions, the subscription with the latest date will apply.
    • If the administrator edits the end date of the subscription at any point, a user who has already consumed the LO will maintain the settings that were active at the time of their consumption. The new dates will only apply to users who have not yet consumed the LO.
  • Training Purpose - The training purpose only displays when training purpose is enabled for the transcript and if the LO has an associated training purpose.
  • Actions drop-down - This drop-down enables users to perform actions on the LO. Click the left side of the drop-down to perform the displayed action. Or, click the drop-down arrow to select a secondary action. By default, the Action drop-down displays the primary action for the LO. See Transcript (Universal Profile) - Status and Options.
    • When a LO is inactive, "Inactive" appears as the first action in the Action drop-down menu. This option is not clickable. The only other option available in the Action drop-down menu is the View Details option, which opens the Training Details page.

Color Strip Key

The following colors are available:

  • Red - Due today or past due
  • Orange - Due within the next seven days, not including today
  • Green - Due after seven days

Transcript Transcript Transcript Transcript Transcript Transcript Transcript Transcript Transcript Transcript Transcript Transcript Transcript Transcript Transcript

Universal Profile Universal Profile Universal Profile Universal Profile Universal Profile Universal Profile Universal Profile Universal Profile Universal Profile Universal Profile Universal Profile Universal Profile Universal Profile Universal Profile Universal Profile