Action Item - Forms

For organizations using Forms, the Action Items page displays the form tasks for the user to complete.

To access the Action Items, go to Universal Profile > Actions. Note: The location of this link is configurable by your system administrator.

View Team

The View Team flyout allows managers, approvers, and custom relationships to quickly navigate between subordinates' profiles and transcripts. When enabled, the View Team flyout is available to managers and dotted line managers on all pages of their Universal Profile and the Universal Profile of their subordinates. This flyout displays the manager's reports visually.

The View Team button displays if enabled in the portal.

See Universal Profile - View Team Flyout.


An Options drop-down may be available on various pages of the Universal Profile. This menu may include options such as Assign Training and Create Goal. See Universal Profile Options Drop-down Overview.

Form Task Conditions

Conditions for the task to appear on the Action Items page:

  • The user must meet the availability criteria for the form.
  • The task start date or assignment date has been reached.
  • The task is not expired.

Form Task Action Item Details

When an event action item is displayed on the Action Items page, the following is displayed for each action item:

  • Color Strip - The left edge of the action item icon is color coded to represent proximity to the due date of the action item. For example, if the action item due date is past due, then the color strip is red to indicate that action is required immediately. If an action item due date is not eminent, then the color strip is green to indicate that action is not required immediately. See the Color Strip Key section below for additional information.
  • Title - This displays the action item title. Click the action item title to perform an action that corresponds with the current status.
  • Due Date - This displays the action item due date.
  • Status - This displays the current status of the action item.
  • Priority Flag - This button allows users to mark action items as high priority. Priority can be helpful as a visual indicator to users. Also, action items can be filtered by priority from the Sort drop-down at the top of the page. When the priority flag is not selected, it is gray . When the priority flag is selected, the action item is high priority and the flag is red .

Action Item Options

The following options are available from the action item drop-down menu:

  • Launch - Click this option to open the Training Details page for the form. This page provides details about the form and includes an option to launch the form. click the Launch button to open and complete the form. Users can save forms that are partially completed and continue them at a later time. Once the form is completed, click the Submit button. Once the form is submitted, the form is removed from the Actions tab. For onboarding form tasks, if there are dependent tasks, then the applicant must complete the dependent tasks in order to complete the workflow. Completed tasks are removed from the Actions tab.
  • Open - This option displays for uploaded file tasks. Uploaded file tasks require the user to fill out an uploaded document, and then submit the completed document. Click the Open option in the drop-down to open the uploaded file task document and complete the document. Once the document is completed, the applicant can click the Mark Complete option in the options drop-down for the task and mark the task as complete. Completed tasks are removed from the Actions tab. If there are dependent tasks, then the applicant must complete the dependent tasks in order to complete the workflow.

Note: If the user does not meet the availability criteria for the form, then a Restricted Access page displays. Users cannot launch forms for which they do not meet the availability criteria defined by the administrator.

Color Strip Key

The following colors are available:

  • Red - Due today or past due
  • Orange - Due within the next seven days, not including today
  • Green - Due after seven days