Goals - Create/Edit - Assign to Your Team

Managers and administrators with the appropriate permissions can create goals and assign them to members of their team, the entire organization, an organizational unit (OU) or group, or specific users. If the Assignment section is not available when creating a goal, then the goal is automatically assigned to the user who created it.

When editing an individual goal, the Assignment section is unavailable, but users can edit the goal manager for goals they created.

  • To create a goal, go to Performance > Goals. Then click the Create button.
  • To edit a goal, go to Performance > Goals. Click the Actions menu icon to the right of the appropriate goal and select Edit.

Select the Your Team option in the Assignment section to assign the goal to your entire team or specific team members. Once this goal is assigned, it appears in the My Goals section of the My Goals page for all selected employees and may also appear in each user's performance review, depending on the review task configuration.

Caution: Removing a user from a shared goal is not possible.

Note: When managers are away from the office for an extended period, they can assign the Goals - Create permission to subordinates.

Your Team - Select Users

When you select the Your Team option, a list of your direct reports displays with their photograph, name, and job title.

The manager creating the goal is the first user in the table, enabling you to include yourself in the goal assignment.

Assign Goals

To assign the goal to a user, select the checkbox to the left of the user's name.

Select the Direct and Indirect Reports option for a user to include the selected user's direct and indirect reports in the goal assignment.

  • Selecting this option assigns the goal to direct and indirect reports for whom you have permission to assign a goal.
  • When you select this option for a user, the corresponding user is also selected. However, if you select the Direct and Indirect Reports option in the table header, this action selects all checkboxes within the Direct and Indirect Reports column, but the user checkboxes are not automatically selected.
  • This option is only available if the corresponding user has at least one direct report.
  • This option is not available in the manager's row.

To quickly select all users on your team and each user's direct and indirect reports, select the checkbox to the left of the Name column and to the right of the Direct and Indirect Reports column in the table header. Unselecting these options unselects all users and direct reports in the table.


In this section, determine whether the assignees share the goal or each work independently towards completing the goal.

Create a separate goal for each user

If this option is selected, each user is assigned a separate copy of the goal and is responsible for completing the goal independently. For example, if the goal is to have $1 million in sales and you assign it to five users, each user will have to earn $1 million in sales for a total of $5 million. In this case, each user will be the owner of their own goal, allowing them to edit the goal or report progress on it.

Once this goal is assigned, it will appear on the My Goals page for all selected employees, where they can edit and manage it. This goal may also appear in their performance review.

  • Dynamic Assignment - This option is only available when creating a separate goal for each user and only for users with permission to assign goals dynamically. When this option is selected, the goal is assigned to all selected users in the team, and the goal is also assigned to any users who join the team between the goal start date and target/due date. Users who join the team after the goal target/due date are not assigned the goal. Employees on the team but excluded from the initial assignment are not assigned the goal due to the dynamic setting.
    • When the Dynamic Assignment option is not selected, the goal is only assigned to the selected users.
    • If a user is assigned a goal with the Dynamic Assignment option selected and then leaves the team, the user continues to have the goal; the user is not dynamically removed from it.

All users will share this goal and its progress

This option is only available if the administrator has enabled the ability to create a shared goal.

If this option is selected, the assigned users share the goal, and each user's progress contributes to the progress of the shared goal. Shared goals allow all assigned users to add comments to the shared goal, even if they are not the goal owner. For example, if the goal is to have $1 million in sales, the selected users will work together to earn $1 million.

  • Managed by - A single user must manage a shared goal, and this user is considered the goal owner. The manager can choose to be the goal owner or select one of the assigned users. Although each selected user will contribute to the goal, the goal owner is responsible for editing and updating the goal progress. For example, if Mary is the goal owner and Bob makes a sale toward the goal, Bob cannot enter that information on the goal. Only Mary can update the goal progress.

A team-shared goal is not assigned dynamically. For example, if a direct subordinate in your team is assigned the goal and then leaves your team, the user continues to have the shared goal until removed from the goal. If a user joins your team, they do not inherit the shared goal and must be assigned by the goal manager.

Note: If the Direct and Indirect Reports option is selected, anyone who is a direct or indirect subordinate of a user assigned this goal (i.e., selected in the list of assignments) is assigned this goal. The direct and indirect reports for anyone assigned this goal are calculated dynamically. For example, if your direct subordinate is assigned this goal and a new hire joins your subordinate’s team, the new employee automatically receives this shared goal. Similarly, if that new hire's manager changes to someone not assigned this goal, they no longer have this shared goal.

Manager Goal Behavior

When a manager assigns a goal to members of their team and the manager is also selected in the assignment, the behavior that the manager experiences once the goal is approved depends on the goal configuration:

  • Separate Goal - If you create a separate goal for each user, then each selected employee receives the individual, independent goal.
  • Shared Goal - If you create a shared goal, two scenarios are possible:
    • The Manager is selected as the goal owner:
      • The goal appears on the My Goals section of the My Goals page for the manager with an asterisk indicating it is a shared goal.
      • The goal can appear in the manager's performance reviews.
      • The manager can manage and edit the goal as the goal owner.
    • The Manager is not selected as the goal owner:
      • The goal appears on the My Goals section of the My Goals page for the manager with an asterisk indicating it is a shared goal.
      • The goal does not appear in the manager's performance reviews. This is true for all users who are not the goal manager within shared goals.
      • The manager cannot manage and edit the goal.