Manage/View Development Plan

Use the Manage Plan page to view overall progress, edit the plan, launch learning items, update plan progress, view and add comments, and add attachments.

To manage an existing development plan, go to Performance > Development Plans. Then, select the title link for the development plan.


The following options may be available in the Options menu:

  • Edit Development Plan - Select this option to edit the details of the plan, such as title, category, description, and objectives. See Create/Edit Development Plan .
  • This option is also available for users who can edit a development plan that is in a Completed or Pending Completion Approval status. If approvals are required, then editing a plan in Completed status puts the plan in Pending Acceptance Approval or Pending Completion Approval status.

  • Print - This option generates a PDF of the development plan. The PDF includes all plan information, custom fields, objectives, comments, and attachment details.

Plan Overview

At the top of the page, an overview of the development plan is displayed. This includes the following information:

  • Due Date - Note: The overall due date for a development plan is the latest due date for any objective within the development plan. The due date for an objective is the latest due date for any learning item or action step within the objective.
  • Plan Category
  • Assignee
  • Description
  • Progress


This section displays each of the plan's objectives, including the learning items and action steps within the objective.

When managing training within your own development plan, you can perform all of the actions available for the transcript. The primary action for the training item displays as a link, and any additional options are available within an Options menu next to the primary action. When viewing another user's development plan, only the View action is available, and this opens the LO Details page for the training item.

The transcript status is only visible to you, so if you are viewing your own development plan, training Progress shows the transcript status. If you are looking at a subordinate's development plan, you will just see the basic progress statuses of Not Completed or Completed.

  • To access a learning item, select the Launch link next to the item.

  • To update the progress for an action item, using the progress slider next to the item. When you update the progress, this action is automatically saved by the system, and a confirmation message appears at the top of the page.

  • to add comments to an objective, click Add a Comment. These comments should be specific to the objective. The character limit for comments is 5,000.

Note: For Learning Objects (LOs) in Development Objectives, if no training actions are available, the options menu is not visible.

Plan Comments

You can add or reply to comments.

  • To add a comment, click Add a Comment button in the Plan Comments section. For example, you may add a comment to explain your recent efforts toward this plan. You manager can then reply to your comments or they can add an unrelated comment. The character limit for comments is 5,000.

  • To reply to a comment, select the Reply link below the comment. You can also edit or delete your own comment by selecting the appropriate link. A comment cannot be deleted if there are replies to the comment.


You can attach files to your development plan when managing the plan. Each plan is limited to 25MB of attached items or 50 files. Whichever limit is reached first is applied, and no additional attachments are allowed.

Development Plan History

The History section displays the five most recent modifications to the development plan. Modifications are displayed in chronological order with the most recent events displayed first. Each entry in the History section displays the modification type (created, modified, attachment added, etc.), the date and time at which the modification was made, and the name of the user who modified the plan.

If more than five modifications have been made to the plan, then a Show More link is available. Select this link to view all modifications for the plan.