Checkout - Step 3 - Confirmation

The Confirmation step is the third and final step of the checkout process and provides a confirmation that the order has been placed. A transaction ID is also displayed, if available. At this stage of the checkout process, the payment has been processed and the purchase is finalized.


The following options are available from the Options drop-down list in the upper-right corner of the page:

  • Print - Select this option to print the current page without the page header and footer.
  • View Inventory - Select this option to open the Manage Inventory page. This option is only available to users with permission to manage inventory.

Purchase Summary

The following information is displayed for each item in the shopping cart:

  • Title - This displays the LO title. If the LO title exceeds two lines, an ellipsis appears at the end of the second line. The icon to the left of the LO title represents the type of LO (e.g., Online Class, Curriculum, Session). Users can click the LO title to view the LO Details Page for the LO.
  • Price - This displays the subtotal price for each LO. When a coupon code is applied, the coupon discount appears below the price.
  • Cost Center Pays - If the cost center is configured to pay a percentage of the price, the cost center percentage is displayed as well as the total amount that the cost center is paying.
  • Sales Tax - If sales tax is being collected, the sales tax percentage is displayed as well as the total amount that is being charged in sales tax.
  • Processing Fees - If processing fees are being collected, the total amount that is being charged is displayed.
  • Delivery Fees - If delivery fees are being collected, the total amount that is being charged is displayed.
  • Subtotal - This displays the subtotal that is being charged to the user. This accounts for any amount the cost center is paying, any coupon discounts, and any sales tax that is charged.
  • Total - This displays the final amount that the user has paid.

Training Request Forms

If one or more of the learning objects that are purchased have a training request form attached via Course Catalog, then the training request forms for the appropriate training items are available in a Training Request Forms section on the Confirmation page. Click the training request form link to complete the training request form.

Custom Fields

The Confirmation/Thank You page of the shopping cart checkout process displays the field and values for any custom Transaction field tags that were added by the administrator to the message box in Shopping Cart Preferences and completed by the user on the Payment step.

Note: If the field was not required on the Payment page when checking out, and the user did not enter a value, the field does not display on the Confirmation/Thank You page.