Checkout - Payment - Training Units - Key Code

This payment option enables users to pay via distributed training units. This option is only available if enabled by the administrator in User Payment Preferences.

To pay with training units, all items within the order must accept training units. If at least one item does not accept training units, you cannot pay with training units.

Training unit key codes must be enabled for the system and also as a payment method for them to appear on the Checkout page. In addition, users may not be able to purchase a session with training units that expire prior to the session start date, depending upon the administrator's configuration of the training unit redemption option in Training Unit Preferences. If the administrator has enabled this option, then when a shopping cart transaction includes a session, the system uses the training units that expire furthest from the session start date. Depending on the training unit redemption option in Training Unit Preferences, if there are no available training units that expire after the session start date, then the user cannot purchase the session or must choose a different payment method.


The following options are available from the Options drop-down list in the upper-right corner of the page:

  • Print - Select this option to print the current page without the page header and footer.
  • View Inventory - Select this option to open the Manage Inventory page. This option is only available to users with permission to manage inventory.

Purchase Summary

The Purchase Summary panel appears on the Payment step of the Checkout process, and it displays a summary of the shopping cart items, including a subtotal. See Checkout - Payment - Purchase Summary.

Enter Payment Information

To pay for training using key code training units on the Checkout - Payment page, select Training Units (Key Code) from the Payment Method drop-down list. The following fields appear below the Payment Method drop-down list:

Key Code

Enter your training unit key code and click Verify to retrieve your available training unit balance. Note: The administrator may limit the availability of the key code to users who are in a specific organizational unit (OU). Only the users who are in the OU can check out using the training unit key code. Users who are not part of the OU cannot checkout using the training unit key code and will receive an error message when attempting to use the key code.

After the key code is verified, the system displays the following information:

  • Subtotal - This displays the number of training units that is needed to purchase the items in the shopping cart.
  • Individual Balance - This displays the number of training units that are available for the key code. If the key code balance is hidden, then the administrator has configured Training Unit Preferences to hide the balance.
  • Insufficient Balance - If the user does not have enough training units with the key code to purchase the training in the shopping cart, the difference is displayed in training units. The user can either remove one or more items from their shopping cart until the subtotal is less than or equal to their individual balance. Otherwise, if other payment methods are enabled, the user may be able to pay the remaining balance using another form of payment. See the Pay Remaining Balance section below for additional information.


The Comments fields are only available if enabled for a payment type by the administrator in User Payment Preferences.

If the Comments field is enabled for a payment type, then users are able to enter comments for the transaction, up to 500 characters.

Secondary Address

The Secondary Address fields are only available if enabled for a payment type by the administrator in User Payment Preferences.

If the Secondary Address fields are enabled for a payment type, then users are able to enter a secondary address for the transaction. The Secondary Address may also include a Company Name and Phone Number field, depending on the Billing Information Preferences that are set for the user's OU. These fields may be required, depending on the Billing Information Preferences and User Payment Preferences that are set for the user's OU. Note: The Secondary Address label can be customized in Billing Information Preferences.

The following character limits are applied to the Secondary Address fields:

  • Company Name - 100
  • Phone - 30
  • First Name - 30
  • Address - line 1 - 60
  • Last Name - 30
  • Address - line 2 - 60
  • Email - 50
  • City - 50
  • Zip Code - 10

Pay Remaining Balance

If the user has an insufficient amount of training units in their account, the Pay Remaining Balance section is displayed along with the remaining balance for the transaction.

From the Pay Remaining Balance drop-down list, the user can select another payment method. All of the payment methods that are enabled for the organization are available in the drop-down list, with the exception of Training Units (Distributed). When another payment method is selected, the appropriate fields for that payment method are displayed.

When purchasing additional training units, bundled pricing discounts do apply if available, but the user is restricted to purchasing only the number of training units to complete the sale.


After entering the necessary information, click Next to proceed to the Review step. See Checkout - Step 2 - Review.