Learning Details Page (Legacy) - Interest Tracking

Interest Tracking enables a user to be alerted when a new event session becomes available if all of the available sessions are full or if the user cannot attend any of the available sessions. When a new session that meets the user's criteria is added for the event, the user will be notified via email.

When Interest Tracking is enabled for the portal and for an event, the Notify me of new sessions link is available below the Sessions section when viewing the Learning Details page for an event or the Schedule section when viewing the Learning Details page for a session. When a user clicks this link, they are navigated to the Interest Tracking page.

At the top of the Interest Tracking page, the name of the event that the user is tracking is displayed.

Enter the following criteria for the request to track the event:

  • Location - Click the Select a location field or button to select the location in which you prefer to attend the event.
  • Comments - Enter any comments that are relevant to the request, up to 3,000 characters.
  • Notify me when this session is available at other locations. - Select this option to be notified when a session is available for this event, regardless of the session's location.

After entering the appropriate information, click the Submit button. The user is now tracking the event and will be notified when a session is available that matches the user's interest criteria. Or, the user can click Cancel to discard the request to track the event.