Welcome Page Header Overview


The header consists of the following items:

Corporate Logo

The corporate logo functionality is unchanged from other themes. The corporate logo can be configured within Display Preferences.

Search Bar

The Search bar utilizes Global Search. As the user enters a search query into the Search field, predictive search results appear in a menu below the field. Predictive search results appear for each search category where there are relevant results.

  • People - People results display the corresponding user photos, if available. The user's position is displayed below their name, if available.
  • Training - Training results have corresponding LO icons.
  • Certifications - Certification results have a Certification icon.
  • If there are no relevant results for a category, then the corresponding category heading does not display.

A maximum of five relevant results appear for each category. Search results are displayed in order of relevancy.

Users can click a predictive search result to go directly to the Global Search results page. Users can also click the magnifying glass icon or press the [Enter] key to open the Global Search page and view the search results. See Global Search Page.

User Photo

The user photo for the logged in user displays to the right of the Search bar. Click the photo to open the Universal Profile - Bio page. The photograph is only available to users who have permission to view the Universal Profile - Bio page. See Bio - About Overview .

Shopping Cart Icon

If the shopping cart is enabled, then the Shopping Cart icon provides quick access to the shopping cart and also allows users to view the items in the shopping cart.

A red indicator appears in the upper-right corner of the icon if there are items in the user's shopping cart. The maximum value that is displayed is 99. If more than 99 items are in the shopping cart, then 99+ is displayed.

Users can click the Shopping Cart icon to open the shopping cart. See Shopping Cart - Overview.

Users can hover the computer cursor over the Shopping Cart icon to view the items in the shopping cart. Training items have corresponding LO icons. A maximum of three items are displayed. A View Cart button is also displayed. Users can click this button to open the shopping cart.

Settings Icon

The Settings icon provides quick access to the following options:

  • My Account - Click this option to open the My Account - Preferences page. This option is only available if My Account is enabled for the portal and the user has permission to edit their My Account preferences. See My Account - Preferences.
  • Help - Click this option to open the Online Help topic that corresponds with the system page that is currently being viewed. This option is only available if Online Help is enabled for the security role.
  • Log Out/Log In - Click this option to log in or out of the system. The Log in option is only available for organizations using the extended enterprise functionality.
  • Register - Click this option to register as a user. This option is only available for guest users.