Global Search Overview

Global Search is a multiple phase project. When complete, Global Search will search the entire system, including Learning, Performance, Succession, and Compensation data. Currently, Global Search is able to search people, training, certifications, Connect postings, and forms within the system.

Performing a search may search multiple databases, such as the course catalog, people, certifications, etc. so results from all areas may be displayed.

To access Global Search, select the Search icon or the Search field in the upper-right corner of any system page.

Global Search Criteria

In order for a user to have access to Global Search, the following criteria must be met:

  • The user must have at least one of the Global Search permissions.
  • The search box must be enabled and at least one of the search types must be enabled in Search Preferences. See Search Preferences - General.

Global Search Widget

As you enter a search query into the Search field, predictive search results appear in a menu below the field. Predictive search results appear for each search category where there are relevant results. A maximum of five relevant results appear for each category. Search results are displayed in order of relevancy.

When you select a predictive search result, you are navigated directly to the selected item.

You can also select the magnifying glass icon or press the [Enter] key to open the Global Search page and view the search results.

Global Search Types

The following types of items may be included in Global Search:

  • Training Search - When a training item is selected in the Search results, the system directs you to the Training Details page.
  • People Search - When an individual is selected in the Search results, the system directs you to the Universal Profile of the corresponding user.
  • Connect - When a Connect posting is selected in the Search results, the system directs you to the posting page.
  • Certifications - When a certification is selected in the Search results, the system directs you to the Certification Details page.
  • Forms - When a form task is selected in the Search results, the system directs you to the Training Details page. The following criteria must be met in order for forms to be searched in Global Search:
    • Search Preferences must be configured to allow forms to be searched in Global Search. See Search Preferences.
    • Global Search - Forms permissions must be granted in conjunction with any other Global Search permission. See Permissions section above.
    • The form must be created using the Form Management functionality. See Create Form Overview.
    • The form must be active. See Create Form - Access Tab.
    • The form must be enabled for self service. See Create Form - Access Tab.
    • The user must meet the availability criteria for the self service functionality configured for the form. See Create Form - Access Tab.

Searches are performed in your default language, if available. If an item is not available in your default language, Global Search searches the item in the item's default language. For example, if your default language is Chinese, then Global Search searches each item in Chinese. If an item (e.g., a training item) is not available in Chinese, then the item is searched in the item's default language.

Predictive Search

When entering a search query on the Global Search page or in the Global Search widget, as soon as two characters are entered into the Search field, predictive search results display below the field. The search results are categorized by search category (e.g., People, Training).

If you select one of the predictive search results, then the Global Search page completes a search for the selected predictive search result. Otherwise, if you select the Search button, then the Global Search page completes a search for the text string that was entered.

Searching Logic

In order for an item to be returned in the search results, the item must match all keywords entered in the Search field, while each individual word can match any searchable field for the item (e.g., first name, last name, training title). The search logic begins comparing items at the beginning of the search string. For example, if you search for "geo data," Global Search returns matches for George, Georgia, geography, geology, data, database, dataset, etc. "Geo" or "data" need to exist in at least one field that is being searched, but they do not have to exist in the same field. For example, if "geo" is in the title and "data" is in the description, then this item is returned in the search results.

Global Search is designed to search for words, but not symbols.

The search results are sorted so that the most relevant items are displayed first, and this is based on a combination of how many times the search term is mentioned in the item and in which fields it is mentioned. In training, for example, the most important fields are the title and the description. A training item that has the search term twice in the title will appear higher in the search results than an item that has the search term only once.

What Items are Searched?

The following items are searched in each search type: