Live Feed - Attach a File

When posting an update to the Live Feed, you have the option to attach a file to the post. This can be done to share documents or provide reference material for your post. The option to attach a file to an update is controlled by the system administrator. See the File Restrictions section below for information on attachment restrictions.

To attach a file to a post, click the Attach a File button.

When you click the Attach a File button, the Attachment area expands. You can attach a file by dragging and dropping a file into the Attachment area. You can also attach a file by clicking the Select a file button and select a file from your computer. Note: The drag-and-drop functionality is not supported by Internet Explorer browsers.

After a file is selected, the progress bar displays as the file is uploaded. After the file has loaded, the attachment appears below the comment box.

An attachment can be removed by clicking the Cancel icon to the right of the attachment name.

File Restrictions

The following file restrictions apply:

  • Up to three files can be added.
  • The maximum file size is configured by the system administrator.
  • The file name cannot exceed 100 characters.
  • Executable files cannot be uploaded.
  • Files cannot have a hidden extension or no extension.

The following file types are allowed:

File Type Extension
  • mid
  • m4a
  • mp3
  • wav
  • zip
  • xls/xlsx
  • bmp
  • gif
  • jpeg/jpg
  • png

Image files are embedded in New Connect. If the file format is one of the supported image file types, then once the update, comment, or posting has been posted, the image will display at an enlarged size.

Pixel Limitations

Depending on where the image is being displayed, then it will display at different sizes while maintaining the original image's aspect ratio. If the original image's pixel width is under the maximum pixel width, then the image will display with its true pixel width and height.

If the image's width exceeds 877 pixels, then an enlarged thumbnail image will be saved. The image's aspect ratio will be maintained, but will be resized to have a maximum width of 877 pixels. The following width limitations apply:

image location maximum pixel width
Community Posting 877
Community Posting Comment 845
Community Posting Threaded Comment 802
Task Details 720
Team Overview Update 683
Feed User Update 675
Feed Activity Update 675

Note: .gif images that are larger than the page's parameters will be resized down and will lose any animation. The user can still download the original animated file.

  • pps/ppsx
  • ppt/pptx
  • mpp
  • arf
  • doc/docx
  • dot/dotx
  • htm/html - The ability to upload htm/html files is controlled by the system administrator.
  • pdf
  • txt
Vector Graphic
  • vsd
  • avi
  • flv
  • m4v
  • mov
  • mpeg/mpg
  • mp4
  • rm - This file type is not supported when attaching a video.
  • swf - This file type is not supported when attaching a video.
  • wma/wmv

Video files are embedded in New Connect. If the file format is a supported video file type, then the video file will be queued for transcoding. Acceptable video types are .mp4, .mov, .flv, and .asf/.wmv.

Once the transcoding process is complete, then the video file will display a small black video thumbnail, which indicates that the video can now be played inline. Clicking on this thumbnail will then display the video player and allow the user to play the video.

When playing the video, the size of the video player will depend on the page where the video is being displayed. See the Pixel Limitations table in the Image row above for sizing information.