People Matrix - Overview

The People Matrix displays all of the selected users and their ratings for the selected skills. Only the matrix creator can view the matrix.

To view a People Matrix, go to Skills > People Matrix. Then, select the appropriate matrix.

Starter Guide

Click here to download the People Matrix Starter Guide.

Edit Matrix

To edit the matrix, select the Options menu in the upper-right corner of the page, and select Edit Matrix. See People Matrix - Create.

Delete Matrix

To delete the matrix, select the Options menu in the upper-right corner of the page, and select Delete Matrix. This permanently deletes the matrix.

Export Matrix as CSV

To export the matrix and data to a CSV file, select the Options menu in the upper-right corner of the page, and select Export as CSV. Each row in the CSV file represents a skill for a user.

Copy Matrix

To copy the matrix, select the Options menu in the upper-right corner of the page, and select Copy Matrix. See People Matrix - Create.

Summary View

When a People Matrix is created from a competency model that contains multiple organizational units (OUs), a Summary View is available to compare OUs with unique proficiency targets. Multiple OU types may be used in a matrix. The summary view enables viewers to compare target attainment across OUs. See People Matrix - Summary View.

Proficiency Levels and Targets

In the upper-right corner of the page, each of the proficiency levels are displayed with their corresponding name. Viewers can hover over a proficiency level to view a description.

If proficiency targets are configured for the selected skills' capability model, then the following assessments are displayed in the matrix:

  • Target Met - This indicates the user's rating is at or above the skill's proficiency target.
  • Near Target - This indicates the user's rating is within 80% of the skill's proficiency target.
  • Off Target - This indicates the user's rating is less than 80% of the skill's proficiency target.

Search Users

Search for a specific user in the matrix. When a search is conducted, the matrix only displays users who match the search criteria.

Rating Source

By default, the matrix uses the default rating source configured for the matrix. To view ratings from a different source, select the appropriate source from the Rating Source drop-down menu.

Note: Rating Source is determined by the rater's relation at the time of the rating, regardless of the person's current relation.

Filter Skills and Proficiency Levels

To filter the skills and proficiency levels displayed in the People Matrix, select the Filters toggle. This opens the Filters flyout. The Filters flyout displays filters based on which content is being viewed in the People Matrix.

Which filter criteria are available in the flyout is determined by which data is being viewed in the People Matrix.

  • When the rating source is Declarations Only, Skill Name and Declaration Status filters are available.
  • When the rating source is not Declarations Only, Skill Name and Proficiency Level filters are available.

The following filters are available:

  • Skill Drop-down - Select a specific skill to display. When a skill is selected, only the selected skill is displayed.
  • Declaration Status - Select one or more declaration statuses to display. When a declaration status is selected, only ratings with the selected declaration status are displayed.
  • Proficiency Level - Select one or more proficiency levels to display. When a proficiency level is selected, only ratings with the selected proficiency level are displayed.

People Matrix Data

The following information is displayed in the People Matrix:

  • Employee Count - The number of users included in the matrix is displayed at the top of the employee list.
  • Employee Name - The first column displays each user who was configured to be included in the People Matrix. The matrix only displays users who are within the viewer's permission constraints.
  • Overall Skill and Training Score - This displays the user's cumulative score, including their skill assessments and training completion. You can select this link to view the user's Summary of Skills Gaps flyout. See People Matrix - View Summary of Skill Gaps.

Skills Tab

When the Skills tab is selected, the following information is displayed:

  • Employees Needed to Achieve Target - When creating a matrix, you can specify how many employees need to have the skill and the required proficiency. If a value is set for a skill in the matrix, then the people matrix indicates how many employees are on target for the skill and how many employees are required to be on target for the skill. This information helps managers and administrators quickly identify whether the team or group has the necessary number of adequately skilled employees for each skill.
    • This is displayed as [Number of employees on target]/[Number of employees needed].
    • This value does not display if the Employees Needed to Achieve Target value is set to zero or is not set when creating the matrix.
    • The Employees Needed to Achieve Target value may be set to a value larger than the number of users in the people matrix.
  • Skills and Proficiencies - The matrix displays the user's proficiency level for each of the skills.
    • The proficiencies are based on the selected Rating Source.
    • If a proficiency target is configured for the skill's capability model, then the matrix displays whether the user has met the target, is near the target, or is off the target.
      • On Target - This indicates the user meets or exceeds the target.
      • Near Target - This indicates the user is below the target by one level.
      • Off Target - This indicates the user is below the target by two or more levels.
    • If no proficiency target is configured for the skill's capability model, then the rating circles are shaded to reflect the proficiency level. Higher levels are displayed with a darker color, while lower levels are displayed with a lighter color.
    • When Declarations Only is selected as the rating source, a checkmark is displayed if the user has declared the skill. A proficiency assessment is not displayed.
    • When Latest Peer Rating is selected as the rating source, if there are multiple ratings from peers for the skill, then the latest average rating is displayed.
  • Skill Actions - An Actions menu (three dots) is available by hovering over the skill rating in the matrix. Actions are available based on the rating source and whether the People Matrix feature connector is enabled for the source. The option names may vary as they can be configured in the feedback template. The following actions may be available if configured in the feedback template:
    • Request a Proficiency Rating
    • View Details - Select this option to view the skill details in a flyout. See Skills Profile - View Skill Details.
    • Update Ratings - Select this to provide a new rating for the user. When a new rating is provided, the matrix displays the new rating. Updating a rating adds a new rating for the user; it does not overwrite the previous rating. See Skills Profile - Provide Skill Feedback.
    • Other options may be available.

Trainings Tab

When training is added to a People Matrix, a Training tab is available in the People Matrix.

When the Training tab is selected, the following information is displayed:

  • Selected training
  • User's training completion status (Completed, Not Started, Not Assigned, N/A)
    • If the user has not been assigned the training, an Assign link is displayed in the corresponding column for the user. Managers can select this link to assign the training to the user.
    • Managers can hover over the training status for a particular user to open the Learning Details page for the user's training.

Managers can select the menu icon for a user to access the user's Skills Profile or Transcript.