Actions - Requests - Forms

From the Requests tab, approvers can access their pending approval requests, view completed requests, and view approval progress. The tab only displays for users with permission to view request items and request forms.

Forms are available to organizations that are using Onboarding or Cornerstone HR. For information on Training Forms, select the following link: See Training Forms Administration.

To view approval requests, go to Home > Universal Profile > Actions. Then, click the Requests tab.

When a form approval request is displayed on the Requests tab, the following is displayed for each request:

  • Color Strip - The left edge of the action item icon is color coded to represent proximity to the due date of the action item. For example, if the action item due date is past due, then the color strip is red to indicate that action is required immediately. If an action item due date is not eminent, then the color strip is green to indicate that action is not required immediately. See the Color Strip Key section below for additional information.
  • Title - This field displays the linked title of the form. Click the link to view the form.
  • Date Submitted - This field displays the date on which the form was submitted.
  • Status - This field displays the approval status as Approved, Denied, Denied and Returned, or Pending Approval.
  • Submitted By - This field displays the name of the user who submitted the request.
  • Attachments - If a form has any attachments in a User Attachment field, then the number of files attached to the form is displayed.
  • Effective Date - If a form requires approval and has effective dating enabled, then the form's effective date is displayed. The effective date is displayed regardless of the approval status of the form (e.g., Pending, Approved, Denied, Returned).


To approve the request, click the Approve button . This commits your approval decision for that step in the approval workflow and any other steps for which you are an approver. If this is the last step in the workflow and you are the only approver in the step, then the request is considered completed, and the form's status is updated to Approved. If there are other approval steps in the workflow or if other approvers are in your step of the workflow who are required to submit an approval decision, then the request is not considered completed until all steps in the workflow are finished.


To deny the request, click the Deny button . Denying a request ends the approval workflow process.

View Details of Form Request

To view the details of a form for which you are an approver, click the drop-down in the far right of the form row. Then, click View. This opens the form so that you can see the content of the form and the user's responses, as well as approve, deny, or deny and return the form. You can also view the progress of the approval workflow. If you have already made an approval decision for the request, then your decision displays at the top of the form along with the date on which you submitted your decision. Click Done to close the form. See Form - Approve or Deny.


The following options may be available from the action item drop-down menu:

  • Approval Progress - The approval workflow is defined by the administrator when creating the form. Your step of the approval process may be the only step or one of many steps. In addition, there may be more than one approver in your step. Steps can also be configured so that if there are multiple approvers in a step and one of the approvers approves or denies the form before you, then you can no longer make an approval decision. To view the progress of the form's approval workflow, click the drop-down in the far right of the form row. Then, click Approval Progress. This opens the Approval Progress pop-up. See Form - View Approval Progress.
  • Approve - This option only displays for requests that are in a Pending status. Click Approve from the drop-down to approve the request. This commits your approval decision for that step in the approval workflow and any other steps for which you are an approver. If this is the last step in the workflow and you are the only approver in the step, then the request is considered completed, and the form's status is updated to Approved. If there are other approval steps in the workflow or if other approvers are in your step of the workflow who are required to submit an approval decision, then the request is not considered completed until all steps of the workflow are finished. See Form - Approve or Deny.
  • Deny - This option only displays for requests that are in a Pending status. Click Deny from the drop-down to deny the request. Denying a request ends the approval workflow process. See Form - Approve or Deny.