Performance Review - Data Workflow

Within a performance review, any ratings, comments, and weights that are saved prior to submitting the performance review step are not visible to parallel steps or reports.

The following rules determine when ratings, comments, and weights are and are not finalized.

  • Any saved responses are automatically finalized when the performance review step is no longer active. This occurs in the following scenarios:
    • The reviewer submits the performance review step.
    • The review task becomes past due.
    • The performance review step is locked and no more submissions are allowed.
    • The performance review step is advanced by an administrator.
    • The performance review step is submitted via Bulk Sign-off when all sections are completed.
  • If multiple submissions are allowed, the following rules apply:
    • Edits that are made after the step is submitted remain in draft until the step is submitted again.
    • Any unsubmitted edits that are made after the step is submitted are not automatically finalized when the performance review step is no longer active.
    • When edits are made after the step is submitted, a notification banner appears at the top of every section of the review step until the step is submitted again. This banner indicates that the latest changes have not been submitted and they will not be finalized until the step is submitted.
  • If review steps are reopened, the following rules apply:
    • Edits that are made in a reopened step remain in draft until the step is submitted again.
    • Any unsubmitted edits that are made in a reopened step are not automatically finalized when the performance review step is no longer active.
    • When edits are made in a reopened step, a notification banner appears at the top of every section of the review step until the step is submitted. This banner indicates that the latest changes have not been submitted and they will not be finalized until the step is submitted.
    • As with existing behavior, if any later reviewers entered or edited comments, ratings, weights, or fields, then the reopened step displays the updated information if they are visible to the reviewer.
  • If the review step is the final step in the review, the following rules apply:
    • If the final step is locked, then all comments and ratings are finalized when the step becomes past due.
    • If the final step is not locked, then all comments and ratings are finalized at the task end date.

Reviewers who are completing parallel review steps cannot view which goals or competencies are selected for goal and competency ratings. This is true regardless of whether the parallel step is submitted.

Sign-offs and signatures are only committed when the review step is submitted.

Performance Review PDF

Any ratings, comments, and weights that are saved within a performance review prior to submitting the performance review step are not visible in the performance review PDF. Ratings, comments, weights are not visible until the performance review step is submitted or is completed due to automatic workflows such as the performance review task being past due.

The following rules apply when viewing a performance review PDF:

  • Reviewer views Reviewee Version - When a reviewer who is not the reviewee views the reviewee version, only committed data is included in the PDF.
  • Reviewer views Reviewee Version as Reviewee - When a reviewer is also the reviewee and they view the reviewee version, the following occurs:
    • Uncommitted data is included in the PDF prior to submission.
    • Committed data is included in the PDF after submission.
    • If multiple submissions are allowed or if a step is reopened and edits are made after the step is submitted, a notification banner appears at the top of the PDF until the step is submitted again. This banner indicates that the latest changes have not been submitted and they will not be finalized until the step is submitted.
  • View Manager Version - When any user views the manager version, only committed data is included in the PDF.
  • View Performance Review PDF - When any user views the performance review PDF from outside of the performance review, only committed data is included in the PDF.
  • View Performance Review PDF as Co-planner - If a co-planner views the performance review PDF, they can view any uncommitted data from all co-planners of the step. Either co-planner can submit the step, which finalizes all co-planner data. This visibility enables all co-planners for a step to view what is being submitted.

Batch Ratings

Any ratings, comments, and weights that are automatically saved while batch rating a performance review step are uncommitted and are not visible to parallel performance review steps or in reports. Ratings, comments, and weights are not committed until the performance review step is submitted or is completed due to automatic workflows such as the performance review task being past due.

Offline Reviews

Any uploaded data is uncommitted and is not visible to parallel performance review steps or in reports. Ratings, comments, and weights are not committed until the performance review step is submitted or is completed due to automatic workflows such as the performance review task being past due.