Observation Checklist - Launch

Use the Launch Observation Checklist page to launch an ad hoc observation checklist. The user can select the appropriate ad hoc checklist and the assessee for the checklist.

To launch an ad hoc observation checklist, go to Performance > Observation Checklists. Then, click the Launch Checklist button. This button is available for any user who has permission to launch ad hoc observation checklists and is defined as a verifier for at least one ad hoc observation checklist.

Who is this checklist for?

Determines which user will be observed or assessed by the verifier.

Click in the search box to open the Select User pop-up, which displays the users who can be observed by the verifier (i.e., users who are within the user's Observation Checklist - Verifier permission). Search for or select a user. You are returned to the Launch Observation Checklist page and the selected user appears in this box.

  • Only a single user can be selected.
  • The verifier cannot select themselves as the assessee.

Which checklist would you like to use?

Determines which observation checklist is used to observe or assess the selected user. This field is only available once a user is selected.

To select the observation checklist, click the Select Checklist field to open the Select Checklist pop-up, and displays the checklists for which the selected user is within the checklist availability. If no observation checklists are available to the selected user, this field is disabled.

  • An observation checklist can only be launched if it is active and not in a Queued status.
  • If an observation checklist has already been launched for the selected user, then that checklist is not available for selection.


  • Click Launch to launch the observation checklist. This button is only available once a user and checklist are selected.
  • Click Cancel to cancel the launch action.

Observation Checklist Observation Checklist Observation Checklist Observation Checklist Observation Checklist Observation Checklist Observation Checklist Observation Checklist Observation Checklist