Knowledge Bank (Old) - Add Items

Knowledge Bank is an innovative knowledge management system for the exchange of employee knowledge within the organization, allowing users to post discussions, query internal subject matter experts, review proprietary documentation, and consult online resources. When uploading a document, the maximum file size is 100 MB.

If you have been granted permissions you can add items to the Knowledge Bank. Items that can be added include discussions, questions, online resources (link to a website) and documents.

Create a New Discussion

  1. From the Knowledge Bank page click a topic.
  2. Click the Create New Discussion link.
  3. Enter the Title of the discussion.
  4. Enter a Description for the discussion.
  5. Add an optional Attachment by selecting the Browse button to find an attachment and then click the Add button to add it to the discussion.
  6. Click the Submit button.

Ask New Question

  1. From the Knowledge Bank page, click on a topic.
  2. Click the Ask New Question link.
  3. Enter a Question.
  4. Add an optional Attachment by selecting the Browse button to find an attachment and then click the Add button to add it to the question.
  5. Click the Submit button.

Add Online Resource

  1. From the Knowledge Bank page, click a topic.
  2. Click the Add Online Resource link.
  3. Enter a Title for the online resource.
  4. Add Key Words.
    • When a user searches for the posting and enters any of the keywords specified here, the posting will appear in the search results.
  5. Add a Website Address.
  6. Click the Submit button.

Upload Document

  1. From the Knowledge Bank page, click on a topic.
  2. Click the Upload Document link.
  3. Enter a Title for the document.
  4. Enter the Author.
  5. Add Key Words.
    • When a user searches for the posting and enters any of the keywords specified here, the posting will appear in the search results.
  6. Enter a Description for the content.
  7. Click the Browse button to find your attachment.
  8. Double click or select the attachment and click the Open button.
  9. Click the Add button
    • You can add more than one attachment by repeating the above steps.
    • You can delete an attachment be clicking on the Delete icon, if needed.
  10. Click the Submit button.

The following file types can be uploaded to the Knowledge Bank:

File extension File Type
.jpg, .jpe, .jpeg image
.gif image
.png image
.bmp image
.txt text plain
.docx Word document
.dotx Word document
.doc Word document
.dot application/MS Word
.xlsx Excel
.xls Excel
.pptx PowerPoint
.ppt PowerPoint
.ppsx PowerPoint
.pps application/vnd.MS-PowerPoint
.pdf application
.vsd application
.wma audio/x-MS-wma
.mp3 audio/mpeg
.wav audio
.mid audio/midi
.html text/html - The ability to upload htm/html files is controlled by the system administrator. This limit is controlled by a backend setting,. Organizations may choose to disable the ability to upload HTML files because malicious HTML files may be uploaded, which is a potential security risk.
.htm text/html - The ability to upload htm/html files is controlled by the system administrator. This limit is controlled by a backend setting,. Organizations may choose to disable the ability to upload HTML files because malicious HTML files may be uploaded, which is a potential security risk.
.swf application/shockwave-flash
.avi video
.mpeg video
.mpg video
.wmv video
.mp4 video
.m4v audio
.m4a audio
.png graphic
.arf webex recording
.mpp MS Project
.rtf rich text format
.msg Outlook mail message
.rm application/vnd.rn-realmedia

See also:

Knowledge Bank Knowledge Bank Knowledge Bank Knowledge Bank Knowledge Bank Knowledge Bank Knowledge Bank Knowledge Bank Knowledge Bank