Live Feed - Create Task

Within Connect, tasks are used as a way to drive productivity and organization. The option to create a team task may only be available to lead team members, depending on the preferences set by the system administrator.

Tasks can be created in the following ways:

  • From the Live Feed page, from the Actions drop-down list, select Create Task.
  • From the Team Tasks page, click the Create Task button.

Enter the following information for the task:

  • Task Title - In the text field, enter a title for the task, up to 70 characters. This field is required.
  • Due Date - Using the calendar tool, select a due date for the task. The user can also enter a text due date, such as Today, Tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday, etc. This field is optional.
  • Assigned to - To assign the task to a user, users have the option of entering a user's name into the text box or selecting a user from the drop-down list. Select Unassigned to create a task that is not assigned to any users. This field is optional.

Create or Cancel

Click the Create button to create the task and add it to the task list, or click Cancel to discard the task. By default, new tasks are not assigned a category. If enabled, the Assigned Connect Task email is triggered when a task is assigned.