Live Feed - Activity Updates and Visibility

Activity updates are system generated updates that are triggered by a user's actions within the system. For example, if a user completes a training item, this may trigger an activity update. Activity updates can be configured by the system administrator.

Which types of updates appear in the feed is dependent upon the preferences set by the system administrator. The following actions within the system may trigger an activity update:

Connect Activity Updates

Action Visibility User
Joined team Team members User who joined the team
Created and assigned task Team members Task assigner
Completed task Team members User who completed the task

Universal Profile Activity Updates

Action Visibility User
Goal (Feedback) Direct and Indirect Managers and Target User User who completed the goal
Badge given Connections and Team User who gave the badge

Learning Activity Updates

Action Visibility User
Rated training Connections and Team - The update is only visible to a user if the rated learning object is available to the user. User who rated the training item
Completed training Direct and Indirect Managers and Target User User who completed the training

Performance Activity Updates

Action Visibility User
Completed performance review Direct and Indirect Managers and Target User User who completed the performance review
Completed dev plan Direct and Indirect Managers and Target User User who completed the development plan