Cohort Community - Learning - Cohort/Section Details

Users can click the cohort title to view the root level details of the cohort. Users can click a section title in the navigation menu to view the section overview. The cohort or section overview displays the section information, progress, and contents. The order in which items are displayed is dependent on the cohort structure, which is set by the administrator.

  • Cohort Overview Page - The overview page for the entire cohort displays the sections and LOs that are at the root-level of the cohort.
  • Section Overview Page - The overview page for a section within the cohort displays the sections and LOs that are contained within the section. However, a section summary header is displayed at the top of the page.

Section Item Details

For section items within a cohort structure, the following information is displayed:

  • Color Strip - The left edge of the item is color coded to represent the proximity to the due date of the item. For example, if the item due date is past due, then the color strip is red to indicate that item is due immediately. If an item due date is not eminent, then the color strip is green to indicate that item is not due immediately. See the Color Strip Key section below for additional information.
  • Section Completion Percentage - This displays the section progress. The maximum value is 100%. See Cohort Community - Learning - Progress Display.
  • Section Title - This displays the section title. Users can click the section title to view the section details. The page refreshes and displays the section header and the contents of the section. The navigation panel is also updated to indicate which section has been selected.
  • Section Information Icon - Click this icon to view the section instructions in a pop-up. This icon is only available if there are instructions for the section.
  • Completed - This displays the number of items within the section that have been completed.
  • Min Required - This displays the minimum number of items that must be completed in order to complete the section.
  • Total Items - This displays the total number of items that are available within the section.
  • View Details - Users can click this button to view the section details. The page refreshes and displays the section header and the contents of the section. The navigation panel is also updated to indicate which section has been selected.

LO Item Details

For LO items within a cohort, the following information is displayed:

  • Color Strip - The left edge of the item is color coded to represent the proximity to the due date of the item. For example, if the item due date is past due, then the color strip is red to indicate that item is due immediately. If an item due date is not eminent, then the color strip is green to indicate that item is not due immediately. See the Color Strip Key section below for additional information.
  • Icon - An LO icon is displayed to indicate the type of LO. Each LO type is represented by a unique icon. When a LO is completed, a checkmark icon appears in the upper-right corner of the LO icon.
  • Title - This displays the LO title. Click the LO title to open the Training Details page for the LO. This action is only available once the LO is activated. See Training Details - View.
  • LO Information Icon - Click this icon to view the LO instructions in a pop-up. This icon is only available if there are instructions for the LO.
  • Status - This displays the current status of the LO.
  • Excused - If a user is excused from the LO, then this is displayed to the right of the Status. If a user is not excused from the LO, then this field does not appear. When a user is excused from the LO, they can complete the LO, but it does not count towards the section or cohort progress. Note: Excused is not a transcript status and therefore does not prevent the user from being required to complete the LO if it is required in another curriculum, cohort, or somewhere else on the transcript. It only excuses the user from the version of the LO that is active in the curriculum or cohort in which it has been marked excused. If the LO is later reversioned, it will no longer be Excused. This is different from Exempt, which is a transcript status and exempts the LO anywhere it is required on the transcript.
  • Due - This displays the LO due date.
  • Training Hours - This displays how long the training will take to complete. If there are no training hours, then this field does not display.
  • Description - The LO description is displayed below the LO status, due date, and training hours. Up to two lines of the description is displayed.
  • Action drop-down - This drop-down enables users to perform actions on the LO based on the LO status. Click the left side of the drop-down to perform the displayed action. Or, click the drop-down arrow to select a secondary action. By default, the Action drop-down displays the primary action for the LO. See Transcript (Universal Profile) - Status and Options.

LO Launch Behavior

When a LO is launched, the LO may open inline within the Learning tab, or it may open in a separate browser window or tab.

The following LO types are launched in a new browser window or tab:

  • Online Courses
  • Quick Courses
  • Events & Sessions
  • Tests
  • External Training
  • Materials

The following LO types are launched inline:

  • Postings
  • Notes
  • Uploaded Video LOs

Color Strip Key

The following colors are available:

  • Red - Due today or past due
  • Yellow- Due within the next seven days, not including today
  • Green - Due after seven days
  • Gray - The color strip is gray for all items that do not meet the criteria for the other states (Red, Yellow, Green). The color strip for sections is always gray.