All Communities

The All Communities page displays all of the active communities to which a user belongs. This page also displays all of the communities that the user is able to view and join.

To view the All Communities page, go to Connect > Communities.

Create Community

To create a new community, select one of the following options from the New Community drop-down menu:

The New Community menu is only available to users with permission to manage communities.

My Communities

This section displays all of the active communities to which the user belongs in alphabetical order. The community name and description is displayed for each community. The user can click the community name to view the community. See Community - Main. Note: This section is not available if the user belongs to no communities and has not been invited to join any communities.

To the right of the community name, a photo of each member of the community is displayed. The community moderators are displayed first in order of the date they joined the community. After the community moderators, community members are displayed in order of the date they joined the community. Up to five photos display. If the community has more than five members, then only four photos are displayed and the fifth photo slot displays how many additional members the community has. Click the photograph to open the Universal Profile - Bio page for the user.

Browse Communities

This section displays all active communities that are available to the user and to which the user does not yet belong. These communities are displayed in alphabetical order. The community name and description is displayed for each community. The user can click the community name to view the community. See Community - Main.

To the right of the community name, a photo of each member of the community is displayed. The community moderators are displayed first in order of the date they joined the community. After the community moderators, community members are displayed in order of the date they joined the community. Up to five photos display. If the community has more than five members, then only four photos are displayed and the fifth photo slot displays how many additional members the community has. Click the photograph to open the Universal Profile - Bio page for the user.