Create SMP Template - Org Chart/Current Talent Pool Step

The Organization Chart step and Current Talent Pool step is used to display the selected employees who will appear during the SMP task. This allows managers or assessors to view the list of employees and exclude certain employees from being included in the SMP process, allowing them to focus on specific individuals for succession planning rather than reviewing everyone in the assessor's respective part of the organization. The Organization Chart step and Current Talent Pool step have the same purpose, but have some minor differences and are used in different scenarios. The Organization Chart step is used with manager templates and the Current Talent Pool step is used with assessor templates.

To create an SMP Template, go to Admin > Tools > Succession Management > Templates. Then, click the Add Template link.

Enter the following information:

  • Title - Name of the step, which is displayed to the assessor to indicate the current step. This field is required and the character limit is 50. If multiple languages are enabled for your portal, select the Translate icon to translate the field into other available languages.
  • Directions - Explain or direct the user. This field has standard formatting options and accepts HTML. The character limit is 3000. If multiple languages are enabled for your portal, select the Translate icon to translate the field into other available languages.

Default Display Type

Select the default display type for the Current Organization. This setting determines how the current organization is displayed by default when an assessor opens the task. Assessors can switch between view types within the succession task. The following options are available:

  • Org Chart - This option displays the manager's current direct reports in an organizational chart hierarchy view. This option is better viewed when there are no more than 50 employees in the task.
  • List - This option displays the direct reports in a list. Note: This option is only available for the Organization Chart step due to the fact that the users displayed in a Current Talent Pool step do not necessarily have a hierarchical organization. The Current Talent Pool users are always displayed in a list.


Select which user field data is displayed for each person included in the step so the manager or assessor can view a brief snapshot of each employee. By default, Division and Position are included. Up to six user fields can be displayed.

  • Add additional fields - Click the plus icon to the right of the Fields heading. All standard and custom fields in the user record are available to be displayed and come directly from the user records in the system. After selecting the appropriate fields, they appear in the Fields section.
  • Modify the display name - Enter a new name.
  • Remove a field - Click the Remove icon for that field.
  • Translate a field - If multiple languages are enabled, click the globe icon to translate the field into other available languages.


  • Click Save to save any changes.
  • Click Cancel to discard any unsaved changes.

Sample Org Chart Display

Sample List Display