Enterprise Training Report

This report displays transcript status information about all the learning objects assigned to or requested by the selected users. It can be organized by organizational unit or by user. The Enterprise Training report allows for reporting for multiple versions of a training item.


  • Date Criteria - filter your results on Registration date range. For sessions, the report results are filtered based on the session start date. Note: Date Criteria is always implemented using UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
  • User Criteria - limit report output to the users matching the specified user criteria
    • The report will only run within the defined constraints for the user running the report
    • This is the standard OU availability selection criteria drop-down. Choose from available OU types
    • Defaults: If no User Criteria are selected then the report will run for the entire available population
  • Training Type - filter the report on a certain training type or select All for all training types
  • Status - select status/s to include in results. Note: The Not Available field is only visible to users who have permission to manage the available date setting for proxy enrollments.
  • Training Title - filter by training title
    • When the administrator selects a training title, if the training has more than one version, a version drop down will appear next to the training title text field.
    • The drop down will list all the version numbers for the selected training title in descending order.
    • The drop down will default to "All Versions", allowing the administrator to run the report for all versions of the selected training.
    • Note: If a training title is not selected for the report, the report will only run for the latest version of any training item. If a training title is not selected for the report, the report will only run for the latest version of any training item.
  • Provider - filter the results for training from a specific training provider/vendor or select All for all training Providers/Vendors
  • Completion Date - check to include a column for completion date
  • Equivalent Training - check to show Equivalent Training Title. This functionality will only be available if the report is ran on a training title
  • Recurring Training - check to include all records of this training on a transcript. If not checked, only the most recent registration will be display in report output.
  • Removed Training - check to Include training that was removed from transcript by an administrator
  • User Status - check to Search all inactive users


  • The report will generate on the page as an inline report. To see additional details by user, click on the Details icon.
  • link to view the results in a web page, link to save/open as an Excel file, or to export data to a tab delimited text file.
    • In the search results, a Version column is added next to the Title column. This column will display the version number for each training in the search results.
    • For training items that do not have multiple versions, the number 1.0 will appear for the training item.
    • The Session Date column will only display on the search results if a session appears within the results. If a session is not included in the search results, the Session Date column will not appear.
    • The User Last Name and User First Name columns will be combined into one column, User. This column will display the user's name in Last Name, First Name format.
    • When the Not Available status is included in the report output, "Not Available" displays in the Status column for users for whom the training is in a Not Available status.

Maximum Number of Rows in Excel Output

The maximum number of rows in the Excel output is determined by a backend setting. Contact Global Customer Support to configure this setting.

By default, the maximum number of rows in the Excel output is 100,000. Note: If more rows are needed in this report, then it is necessary to submit a work order. You will need to provide the amount of data needed and the business reason for the request.

Output with Recurring Training Option Selected

Output with Equivalent Title Selected