Skills Matrix Report

The Skills Matrix report displays role qualification statuses for one or more users.

Note: Only completed tasks are included in report results. If a user has completed any version of a learning object (LO) or training equivalency, the LO will show as Completed and count toward role completion.

To access the Skills Matrix Report, go to Reports > Standard Reports. From the Performance tab, select the Skills Matrix Report link.


User Criteria

Filter Name Description
User Criteria Select a user or a group of users that may be included in the report. This criterion applies to the users who will appear in the report output. This is a required field. You may choose one or more individual users as well as entire organizational units (OUs) or Groups. If permission for this report is constrained, those constraints apply to user criteria selection when running the report.
Additional User OU This section contains an expandable OU selector. One or more OUs can be selected to display additional OU information about each user in the report output.


Filter Name Description
Select Roles Click the pop-up icon to select one or more roles to include in the report. The user can only select roles for which the user is within the availability that is defined for the role. This is a required field.
Include Role Requirement Details

When this option is selected, the following details are included for each competency requirement:

  • Competency Requirement - This displays the competency title.
  • Competency Version - This displays the competency version.
  • Requirement Complete Status - This displays whether the competency requirement is completed for the user.

When this option is selected, the following details are included for each training requirement:

  • Training Requirement - This displays the training title.
  • Training Status - This displays the user's status for the training.
  • Training Requirement Complete - This displays whether the training requirement is complete.
  • Training Completion Date - If the training requirement is complete, then this displays the date on which the training was completed.

Process Report

Filter Name Description
Report Title Enter a title for the report. The character limit is 50. If a title is not entered, the report title defaults to Skills Matrix Report.

This is an asynchronous report, which means that report data is only available as of the previous day.

Asynchronous reports allow the administrator to define the standard report and generate the report asynchronously. As a result, when administrators process the report, the system generates the report in the background, while the administrator can move on to other areas of the system. When the report is finished processing, the administrator can then view the full report in its entirety.

  • Up to three separate reports can generate asynchronously, allowing greater flexibility creating and storing different versions of the report.
  • If you process a report or refresh a stored report, the report appears in the table as Queued.
  • Since the user can generate up to three reports, the administrator can define a report title for each of the generated reports.

Processed Reports Table

The Processed Reports table displays the following for the report:

  • Report Name
  • Create Date
  • Last Run
  • Output - Click the PDF icon to open the report.
  • Options - The following options are available in the Options column:
    • Refresh - Click to refresh the report data.
    • View Details - Click to view the report configuration details.
    • Remove - Click to delete the report.
