Bulk Performance Reviews Report

The Bulk Performance Reviews Report enables users to download all performance reviews within a specified criteria of users, date range, or performance review task. A maximum of 500 performance review PDFs can be generated at one time.

This report includes both active and inactive users.

To access the Bulk Performance Reviews Report, go to Reports > Standard Reports. From the Performance tab, click the Bulk Performance Reviews link.


Review Filters

Select whether the review is filtered by date or by review task:

Filter Description
Date Criteria Select this option to filter the performance review results by date. You must then select the date range by selecting a preset date range from the drop-down list or a custom date range using the From and To fields. The Which performance reviews would you like to print setting in the Advanced section determines how the date criteria is applied. Note: Date Criteria is always implemented using UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
Task Select this option to filter the performance review results by performance review task. You must then click the Select icon to select a performance review task to include in the report. All active standard and off-cycle performance review tasks that are available to the user can be selected. The Which performance reviews would you like to print setting in the Advanced section determines which performance review statuses are included in the report. Note: If an off-cycle task is selected and a user within the selected User Criteria has multiple tasks, then all associated off-cycle task printouts are included in the report.

User Criteria

Filter Description
User Criteria

Select a user or a group of users. This criterion applies to the reviewee of the performance review. This is a required field. You may choose one or more individual users as well as entire OUs or Groups. If the permission for this report is constrained, those constraints apply to user criteria selection when running the report.

This report includes both active and inactive users.


Filter Description
Which performance reviews would you like to print?

The following options are available if the Date Criteria option is selected in the Review Filters section:

  • Performance reviews for which the completion date is equal to or contained within the date filters. - If this option is selected, the date criteria filter is based on the user's task completion date. For example, if the user's performance review task was completed on March 2, 2012, the user is selected in the user criteria, and the date criterion is set to January 1, 2012 to June 1, 2012, then the user's performance review is included in the report.
  • Performance reviews for which the report date criteria overlaps the performance review period. - If this option is selected, the date criteria filter is based on the task performance review period. For example, if the "2012 Performance Review" has a performance review task period from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012, and the date criterion is set to January 1, 2012 to June 1, 2012, then the "2012 Performance Review" task is included in the report.

The following options are available if the Task option is selected in the Review Filters section:

  • Only completed performance reviews. - If this option is selected, only performance reviews that are in a Completed status are included in the report.
  • All completed or in progress performance reviews. - If this option is selected, then only performance reviews in a Completed or In Progress status are included in the report.
Print Preferences

The following options are available:

  • Employee view - This option prints only the sections that are visible to the reviewee.
  • Manager view - This option prints all sections of the performance review, including all submitted responses.

Process Report

Criteria Description
Report Title Enter a title for the report, up to 50 characters. This defaults to "Bulk Performance Reviews" if no title is entered. The title is displayed on the report and is also displayed in the list of Processed Reports on this page.

This is an asynchronous report, which allows the administrator to define the standard report and generate the report asynchronously. As a result, when administrators process the report, the system generates the report in the background, while the administrator can move on to other areas of the system. When the report is finished processing, the administrator can then view the full report in its entirety.

  • Up to three separate reports can generate asynchronously, allowing greater flexibility for creating and storing different versions of the report.
  • If you process a report or refresh a stored report, the report appears in the table as Queued.
  • The most recently created report displays at the top of the table.
  • Since the user can generate up to three reports, the administrator can define a report title for each of the generated reports.
  • Clicking the View Details icon changes the report settings on the page to match those of the selected previously run report.

When the Process Report link is clicked, the report is run based on the selected criteria. The report output is stored in the Processed Reports table.

The administrator can choose the following actions and options for each report in the Processed Report table:

  • Click the Zip File icon to download a .zip file that contains all of the performance review PDFs. Up to 500 PDFs can be included in a .zip file. If the report criteria return more than 500 results, then only 500 are included. The .zip file is named "<REPORT TITLE>_<LAST RUN DATE>.zip" (e.g., 2011 Performance Reviews_20120302.zip). The Last Run Date is displayed in YYYYMMDD format.
  • Click the Refresh icon to refresh the report results.
  • Click the View Details icon to view the filter criteria for the report.
  • Click the Delete icon to delete the report.


The format of the performance review PDFs is determined by the Performance Review Printable Version Preferences. See Set Printable View.