Processing Fees Report

The Processing Fees Report breaks down the processing fees for each transaction that is made using the LMS and EXE functionality within a selected date range.

This functionality is available with the Advanced eCommerce functionality. To utilize the Processing Fees Report, you must use the CSOD merchant account for credit card transactions. To enable the Processing Fees Report for your portal, contact Global Customer Support.


Filter Name Description
Date Criteria Filter your results by date. If any part of a transaction falls within that time frame, the transaction displays. Note: Date Criteria is always implemented using UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
Convert To Select to which of the available currencies to convert all transactions. You may also choose to use the exchange rate that is set by Client or Cornerstone.
Group By

Select Group by Cost Center to group the transactions by cost center, displaying a summary of totals for each cost center.

Select Group by None to not group the transactions and to display a grand total for all transactions.

Output Grouped by Cost Center

Output Not Grouped