Reporting 2.0 - Dual Reports

Dual reports can be created for certain report types. Dual reports are similar to multi-module reports in Custom Reports, allowing you to build a report that includes fields from two different report types.

Dual report types are user centric and combine data from the differing tables through an “inner join,” which means that a row in the report is created for each user that meets the report conditions and has data in both of the two tables. For example, when a “Transcript and Performance Reviews” report type is run, the report will show every record where a user is associated with both a transcript record and a performance review task. Any user that does not have both a transcript record and performance review task will not be displayed.

The following dual report types can be created:

  • Performance Reviews and Compensation
  • Recruiting and Onboarding
  • Transcript and Performance Reviews

Create Dual Report

To create a dual report:

  1. Add at least one field from a field section for one of the available dual report types.
  2. Click Preview, Refresh, or Save. This opens the select report type pop-up so that you can select the dual report.

  1. Select the report type that includes both types of reports you want to create. For example, if you are creating a report with both Recruiting fields and Onboarding fields, select Recruiting and Onboarding Report.
  2. Click Apply in the pop-up. This makes all fields for both report types available in the Data panel.
  3. Continue building the report as usual.