• Checklists are aids that help you review configuration settings and follow best practices prior to testing. Be sure to test the functionality fully in your Pilot portal before releasing to end users.
  • This guide reviews the creation and configuration of a curriculum.

Permissions Required and Page Access


Course Catalog – Update

Course Catalog – View

Curricula Admin – Manage

Curricula Version – Manage

Curriculum Admin – View

Curriculum Owner

Curriculum Player Options

Enable Curricula Auto-Launch Option

Assignment Tool – Standard, Dynamic

Training – Restrict Prerequisite Pre-Work Post-Work

GO TO Admin> Tools> Learning> Catalog Management> Curricula


Best Practices for Curricula Settings

  1. General
  1. Title, Key Words, & Description
  • Follow consistent naming conventions when entering titles to enhance the user experience, use key words such as internal vernacular or acronyms to facilitate searches.
  • Provide a detailed description of the overall curriculum including an overview of the content contained within.
  • You may include HTML code to enhance the visual appeal and create a more engaging experience within this field if desired.
  1. Subjects
  • Select at least one subject that will determine where the curriculum is categorized and displayed in Browse for Training.
  1. Curriculum Player
  • It is strongly recommended to use the Curriculum player to greatly increase the end user experience.


  1. availability
  1. Select Criteria
  • Availability determines who is able to search for and request this curriculum. This action does not assign the curriculum.
  • If you want the curriculum to only be available as a whole (e.g. not allow the individual LOs to be requested and completed as stand-alone), set the availability here and do not set availability at the LO level. Users will still be able to access the LO within the curriculum if they are not within the availability at the LO level.


  1. Emails
  1. Emails
  • Determine use of System Default, Custom Emails, or No Emails for this curriculum. Consider using Custom Emails if the verbiage used in System Default is not relevant for a curriculum made up of multiple LOs.
  • Email options are for the curriculum level only. Emails enabled for Individual LOs within the curriculum will deploy as configured for the LO.


  1. Pricing & Training Units
  1. Pricing
  • Optional and generally used by Extended Enterprise clients. If pricing is not applicable, leave at default setting and move on to Structure.


  1. structure
  1. Recurrence
  • By default, a recurring curriculum may not have a course in common with another recurring curriculum. However, administrators may allow this functionality in Curricula Preferences by going to Admin> Tools> Learning> Learning Preferences> Curricula Preferences.
  1. Add Item
  • Curriculums can include sections, LOs, notes, forms and Observation Checklists (contract dependent).
  • Most organizations will incorporate 1 or more Sections within their curriculums to further organize the content. Some common examples of Sections include Week 1, Week 2 or topic specific sections related to the overall curriculum.
  • If you’re using multiple curricula for role-based training, consider having one curricula for the “common” items, and then additional curricula for unique role-specific LOs. This way you’re not adding those same common LOs to all of the curricula. This makes managing updates over time much easier.
  • Keep in mind what the user experience will be within the Curriculum Player as you add multiple sections; keep sections to a minimum when possible.
  • You will be able to report on LO status within a curriculum using Standard Reports; if you would like the ability to pull in this list of items into a Custom Report, consider adding a Keyword at the LO level (found on General page for an LO within the Course Catalog) and use this as filter criteria to pull those LOs into the report.
  1. Edit Item
  • Required: Clicking the Edit icon within a section allows you to determine how many items within that section are required. Make sure at least one item within your curriculum is required; otherwise the curriculum will be marked complete as soon as it’s assigned to the user.
  • Due Date: If you want items within the curriculum to have varying due dates, define that here. If you will have one due date for the entire curriculum, leave the due dates here blank and establish that due date when creating a learning assignment.
  1. Item Sequence
  • Unless items need to be completed in a specific order, leave all items with 1 as the Sequence number. This allows users to complete items in any order.
  • You may choose to sequence just the sections, but leave items within them at 1; this would require section 1 to be fully complete before moving to section 2.
  1. Display Order
  • Drag and drop to arrange items. Be mindful of dragging slightly left/right to keep LOs within a section, or to move them out of a section.
  1. Item Options
  • Checking all options (Pay Upfront, Pre-Approve and Auto-Register) will put the individual LOs in a registered status, which saves the user clicks.
  • When checking all options for LOs within a curriculum, ensure that individual LOs are not configured to send registration emails. This will prevent the end user from receiving a separate registration email for the curriculum AND each LO within the curriculum all at once.
  • If one or more LOs are auto-registered, the curriculum status will be In Progress upon being added to a user’s transcript.
  1. Training Hours
  • By default, training hours are not calculated and displayed for curricula. You may enable Curricula Training Hours via Global Customer Support. This will total the training hours for all LOs within a curriculum, whether they are required or not.


Best Practices for Post Configuration

GO TO Admin> Tools> Learning> Catalog Management> Curricula



  • When editing a curriculum, the following will cause a new version of the curriculum to be created: adding or removing an object, changing the sequence, moving an item to a new section.
  • As a best practice, try to limit updates and versioning of curricula, and make multiple updates at once rather than many small updates over time.
  • To see what version a user has, and to upgrade the version for a specific user if needed, go to Manage Enrolled Users on the Curricula page.
  • Learning Assignment Considerations:
    • If any LOs within the curriculum were previously completed by a user, the first time the curriculum is assigned, those LOs will appear as completed within the curriculum (even if Assign New Occurrence is selected for the curriculum); the curriculum must be assigned with Assign New Occurrence a second time in order for those items to be re-assigned.
    • When using Assign New Occurrence as just described, if there is a previous instance of the curriculum or of incomplete training items on the transcript, reporting will display two instances of those items; the initial assignment and the subsequent new occurrence.