Training Removal Job - Create

From the Create a New Training Removal Job page, you can create a new training removal job to remove training from multiple users' transcripts at one time. For a list of training statuses that can be removed using the Training Removal Tool, please see Training Removal Tool - Training Statuses.

Important Note: In the scenario where a user has completed a learning object (LO) in the past and also has a new instance of the LO on their Active transcript, if the LO is removed via the Training Removal Tool, then the tool removes all instances of the LO from user's transcript. This includes the instance of the LOs that is in a Completed status.

To create a new training removal job, go to Admin > Tools > Learning > Training Tools > Training Removal Tool. Then, click the Create New Training Removal Job link.

Training Removal Job Steps

There are to ways to create a training removal job:

  • Remove training by search criteria
  • Remove training by CSV upload - Up to 200,000 users can be added to a training removal job using this method. The CSV Bulk Training Removal - Manage permission is needed to access this option.

The steps differ depending on which removal method you select on the first page of the process.

Remove by Search Criteria

There are five steps to creating a training removal job using search criteria:

  1. Training - Choose training for the training removal job. Up to 20 training items can be included in a training removal job, and only the most recent version of the training will be removed from users' transcripts. See Training Removal Job - Create - Step 1 - Training.
  2. Users - Choose the users/OUs for whom the training will be removed. See Training Removal Job - Create - Step 2 - Users.
  3. Status - Select which statuses the training can be in on a user's transcript in order for the training to be removed. See Training Removal Job - Create - Step 3 - Status.
  4. Reason - Define the reason for removing the training. See Training Removal Job - Create - Step 4 - Reason.
  5. Confirm - Review the training removal job configurations and save the training removal job for processing. See Training Removal Job - Create - Step 5 - Confirm.

Remove by CSV Upload

There are three steps to creating a training removal job using a CSV upload:

  1. Upload CSV - Upload a CSV file of users and the training items that should be removed from those users' transcripts. See Create Training Removal Job Using CSV - Step 1 - CSV Upload.
  2. Reason - Define the reason for removing training. See Create Training Removal Job Using CSV - Step 2 - Reason.
  3. Confirm - Review the training removal job configurations and save the training removal job for processing. See Create Training Removal Job Using CSV - Step 3 - Confirm.


Clicking the Cancel button from any step of the training removal process without saving the training removal job redirects you to the Training Removal page without saving the training removal job.